Words are dangerous, but knives are meh.
“Teens have knife fights all the time.”
“It was just a kitchen knife.”
“He could’ve shot her in the leg.”
“Fire a few rounds into the sky.”
“Taser, don’t murder.”

Holy. Fucking. Shit.
There are bad cops. There are bad department policies regarding use of force. There are bad shootings. This ain’t fucking it.
More body cams so we can see with our own eyes. Hold police accountable. Oh but not that one. Don’t believe it, believe this thing we want you to based on fucking nothing but our preferred narrative. JFC.
Just gonna post some of the genius floating around the ol’ Twitterz.
Ketamine auto-injectors and hog ties!
Gee why didn’t they think to just have a fireside chat and pass around the spirit stick.
Really intrigued about the martial arts aspect. Kinda dig the idea of ninja cops.
Of course the shoot em in the leg argument is ever prevalent.
Mid stabbing tranquilizing FTW
My personal favorite so far: TOSS A NERF FOOTBALL AT HER 🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Bullets that go up don’t come down.
Badass teachers weighing in.
Teen girls with knives 😇😇😇😇
No one dies from getting stabbed. It is known.
Like omg some of y’all are so dramatic it wasn’t even a chainsaw gah
Mass shooters routinely surrender, but anyhoooooo how bout them broken bottles yo
Just bang her knife wielding hand mid rage stab then have a little chat over coffee and a donut.
More of that good old startle tactic, but this time with stray bullets gettin the job done!
Make murder great again.
I mean, it’s true. His wasn’t.
Maybe he could’ve played this “little piggy” with her toes!
I think gravity defying bullets are expensive but I could be wrong
*if they’re about to commit murder but otherwise good tweet
Questionable quotations
There is video with audio but 👉🏼👂🏼LA LA LA LA LA 👂🏼👈🏼
*Knife not included
Say the magic words!
Oh oh oh. Seeing a person charge someone swinging a knife was not enough info for the officer. Knife doesn’t mean bad.
“Yes, I know you’re about to be murdered, just tell him to hang on, I’m on hold waiting for authorization to use my weapon from a higher superior. Dang red tape.”
My goodness, indeed.
Back to cop ninjas!
Double plus good points
Weaponizing things like...knives
Welp that settles it. Get the karate teachers on the streets.🥋💪🏼
“Make a leg shot, this isn’t the movies!”

Umm. M’am.
Yessssssssss I was waiting for this 🍻
How much you wanna bet the ToughTeacher™️ set were wailing about schools being imminent death traps?
Now why didn’t I think of a sonic device to stop a stabbing?
He was all outta buttshot.
More magical space bullets!
Where’s Wyatt Earp when you need him?
Easy peasy lemon squeezy
🎶 Hit her in the leg, shoot her in the foot bonk bonk 🎶
Right right right right right
He must’ve skipped his Whack-an-arm training.
I had no idea so many people were unaware that firing a warning shot does in fact still shoot a bullet out of the gun that has to land somewhere. But “cool idea.”
Warning shots into concrete. Even better!
He shoulda tried to grab dat ass wait
Mid stab wresting from feet away.
It’s just a knife sheesh
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