Thks @abhilashtomy . That part of history is directly related to the event next day, viz 22 Apr 58, when VAdm RD Katari took over as first Indian CNS. Today we celebrate that occasion. As Adm @arunp2810 brings out we were the last amongst three services to completely Indianise.
2/n. RDK had a distinguished career & was pioneer in the making of our Navy. I had tweeted about him on his death anniversary 21 Jan. See link below
My friend @yogiat007 had added some excellent inputs too & Navy enthusiast @zwerubae has created the wiki
3/n. Page for him here
So today am briefly mentioning last British CNS VAdm Sir Stephen Carlill. RDK talks of Carlrill with profuse praise. He says "Carlill & his lady had endeared themselves to one & all, not only within the Service but those they met
4/n. outside too". Thus, the Indian Navy was well served by Officers loaned by Royal Navy, as also brought out by @Cmde_GPrakash in his article on the Harpoons few days ago. Carlill is described as "his sincerity and genuine identification with the aspirations of the Navy
5/n. And his attitude of goodwill towards all men and malice towards none was just the right medicine to get the Navy to sound adult health. And it made for smooth transition from British to Indian hand at the apex". Navy Historian RAdm Satyindra Singh brings out that "Carlill
6/n. provided a happy mix of operational and administrative ability and in the execution of his responsibility displayed much wisdom and marked sincerity. Indeed the latter quality was one of his outstanding attributes which impressed all Pandit Nehru downwards. So much so that
7/n. When Carlill left it was at the Prime Minister's initiative that he was given the honorary rank of Vice Admiral in the Indian Navy, a fitting honour to the last of the British Admirals who nursed the Indian Navy along in its formative years after independence". While
8/n. Subsequent studies & appraisals of this part of our history have been less laudatory & more critical, of which more later, there is all round acknowledgment of the key role played by RN personnel loaned to Indian Navy. Today let's celebrate RD Katari the first Indian CNS
9/n. And VAdm Sir Stephen Carlill, honorary Vice Admiral of Indian Navy & the smooth transition that enabled our Navy to progress so much over the years. @indiannavy @arunp2810 @OnthisdayRN @navalhistorian @EmergingRoy @probirpaymate @SanjoyRoyTWA @JaggiBedi @subnut @theUdayB
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