The Church's mission is not to confront the world and its powers, especially in a menacing tone dripping with hubris, but rather to invite the world to the banquet of the Kingdom. We are ambassadors and announce the good news of Jesus that answers the sad news of human brokenness
The world may refuse the invitation & even hate the Church, but the Church's response to this would still be love - to seek to make friends of those who call themselves the Church's enemies (we do not call them that). After all, God's grace makes friends & family of his foes.
The Gospel is respectfully announced in words backed by the example of deeds and humility expressed through neighbor love shared from a posture of service. Love must be visible to bear witness. It is the bridge over which truth crosses the rivers of skepticism & cynicism.
Worship One. Love all. We do both because we are the objects of never-failing mercy that flows from the heart of Jesus. Both are a response to the grace that sought, found, forgave, and reconciled us to God and one another. That love launches us into service for all.
Paul was brought before the political powers of his day - in chains. He came before them to boldly and humbly make Christ known to them in hopes of seeing those very people come to a living faith in the promised Messiah. He did not come seeking access for himself to their power..
but rather to offer to them access by faith into the grace of God that would transform them and grant them a place before the throne of God above. We are humbly unimpressed by the thrones of emperors precisely because our hearts are captured by the throne of grace.
The notion that Christian engagement with the culture begins and ends with political power and access is little more than a very clever lie. We have dual citizenship on earth and in heaven and cry with Paul, "I'm a Roman!" when we see an injustice that must be addressed...
...but also "Our citizenship is in heaven" when it comes to the advance of Christ's Kingdom in the world. The mission of the Church is not to make America or any other nation 'great' but rather to make the saving name of Jesus known to everyone we know everywhere we go.
We really must seek to 'Make Christianity Christian again' by repenting of our prideful addiction to power (among other addictions!), asking God to reform and renew the Church and her witness in our world.
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