MY TOP 3 FAVOURITE BTS SOUNDS: a mini thread. feel free to add yours

3. Yoongi's "Pause" in Interlude: Shadow. My panties drop. Every. Single. Time. It should come with a warning.

And no, I'm not sorry I said that.
2. Jikook bringing the mfing house down in Heartbeat. I have been known to yell "QUIET, ITS COMING" in the vehicle.
1. Seokjin being a god in the background of Dont Leave Me. This is, without a doubt, the most satisfying thing I have ever heard and I would like to personally thank all of Seokjin's ancestors for leading us to a time and place where I exist at the same time as Seokjin's vocals.
Honourable Mention:

Whatever the hell Taejin are doing here. Mm mm mm. Dimple is a GIFT.
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