We can beat the bots as better than they can: through knowing their limits and using their algorithms against them. We know that they rely on creating the expectation that Doge gravitates toward 30¢ and will go to 40 toward 50+ over time. Who else wants to force their hand?
Any time it dips below 30 cents buy however much you feel comfortable with. We will force them to either "suddenly crash" which they will use to get us to panic sell. If we don't sell they will try to keep ask and bid spamming for as long as they can burning up their doge.
Each transaction they use to manipulate price signals costs them one doge. Let's see how long they can last burning up all their doge to hold the price down anywhere below 30 before they run out of fuel. Who else is with me?
They will cause spikes in other cryptos to distract you, don't fall for it, doge has the anti spam cost of one doge per transaction that we can use to exploit their ask and bid spamming and the price of doge being so low makes the ratio of downward pressure much less worthwhile.
Remember, the value of anything is whatever WE determine it is, it is NOT determined by the volume of ask and bid spam by a bunch of bots. Let's go a step further and agree that Doge is and will always be worth at least 33 cents. Let them sell it at a discount.
Theyll spam the ask and bids until we accept any price it decides to land on but we can simply refuse to go along with it, buy it at a discount when they try to sink it and use it in the real world where we can agree that it's always worth at least a third of a dollar. #doge
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