1/ I'm already seeing people say we shouldn't be amplifying Tucker Carlson's awfulness. I disagree, in the same way I disagreed with complaints about amplifying Trump's awfulness and stupidity.

Shine a spotlight right on that batshittery. Mock it. Condemn it.
2/ Point out how wrong and hateful and vile and wretched it all is. Don't give anyone the chance to support it without knowing they too will be called out.

Yes, it increases Carlson's exposure. Yes, it emboldens some. But those emboldened were gone to begin with.
3/ And you put Carlson in a box from which he can't escape. There's no chance of tempering his tone and fooling people. He's branded, accurately and deservedly, as a hateful doink. He'll seem larger than he is. And he'll have no direction to go but deeper into the fever swamps.
4/ That's where Trump went. That's where he's still going, because there's no path back to the mainstream.

And do you notice how quiet he has become? He lost. We beat him. He may yet wield some power, but it's garbage power over a losing sect. He's done. Carlson will follow. END
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