Today we had the opportunity to talk with Clint Richardson and it was probably the most powerful podcast we’ve done so far.

Recently in talking with members of our new community the realization has begun to dawn on a lot of us that we may in fact be the new counter culture.
Von Galt says “As spiritual seekers remove one blockage and raise their frequencies and consciousness, they become more aware of the holographic nature of reality. Such highly evolved mystics begin to become conscious creators of their reality and also become conscious...
Contributors to the reality of the COLLECTIVE Consciousness. It is these highly calibrated people in our planet that are the most powerful in our reality. These are the visionaries who affect the picture quality of the matrix in which many in that reality experience.”
So what does any of this mean?

It means that if we are the new counter culture, it’s a huge responsibility, one we need to take seriously.

We have an opportunity to shape the reality that we live in and I think it’s time to change the conversation to figure out how we do that.
I don’t know how we all got here, or where we all came from, but I do know that we’re here now.

I don’t know the answer or where to go from here but I do know if we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do it together.

I can’t wait to share this one with y’all.

#werehere #love
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