hey colby this is what u don’t see and i’m here just to bring awareness too you. so many of ur supporters along w people who used to support u get told this kind of shit along with being invalided. this is what u don’t see.
the amount of ableism and the amount of toxicity that has been going around this fanbase is awful. i’m no longer comfortable so many people on this app get told that they are not aloud to be upset at ur past action. so many people are told to shut up and be silenced
bc they are trying to educate u. i know u can’t control everyone but i want u to be aware as to why so many people are upset. bc people like lauren constantly have to bash people. we are just trying to be a good person and educate our or past stan. @ColbyBrock
i’m only making this thread so u can see as to why shit goes down. u said u want to be edaucted and grow and that’s what imma do respectfully so here is me educating u as to why so many fans have been so upset. bc of the ableism bc of how others are being silenced
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