A judge today ruled that RedState - a partisan blog in the business of attacking Democrats, NOT reporting the news - was exercising their first amendment right by posting nude photos of me in a political takedown. (1/3)
The ruling virtually nullifies CA cyber exploitation laws and is too dangerous to let stand. There is no reasonable “public interest” in publishing revenge porn, no matter who the victim is. Unless we appeal, any woman who may ever be in the public eye is at risk. (2/3)
It’s not going to be easy. This is uncharted legal territory, and this fight is necessary to protect women from revenge porn, once and for all. Please help us today https://secure.lawpay.com/pages/cagoldbergpllc/operating-2 (3/3)
I am so grateful for the incredible support and generosity from you all. It truly gives me strength to keep fighting. Let’s do this! 💪
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