I've read 200+ books.

Here are 10 of the most valuable mental models I've learned from them...
1/ Develop A Growth Mindset

People with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through practice and hard work.

They believe that with the right amount of training, they can accomplish almost any task that someone else can do.
2/ Change What You Can & Accept What You Can't

If you're unhappy about a situation, do what you can to improve it.

But if there's nothing you can do, then accept your circumstances.

Getting upset isn't going to make things better.

Accept things and wait it out.
3/ Get 1% Every Day

You don't need to take massive action and accomplish a million things today to transform your life.

You only need to get 1% better today and repeat that every day for a year.

Let compounding work its magic and by the end of the year, you'll be 37x better.
4/ Compare Yourself Only To Your Past

Comparing yourself to others will make you miserable and there are too many variables to get an accurate comparison.

The better solution is to compare yourself with who you were yesterday.

Your only true competition is your past self.
5/ It's Either A "Hell Yeah" or "No"

When faced with a party invitation, business opportunity, or any other decision, respond with:

"Hell Yeah" or "No."

Life is too short to do things you don't want to do.

If you aren't excited about an offer, pass on it.
6/ Take Extreme Ownership

Admit your mistakes when you make them instead of blaming others.

Take complete ownership for them.

Then learn from your shortcoming and think about what you can do differently next time to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
7/ Spend More Time Sweating Than Watching Others Sweat

Stop spending so much time watching others work and spend more time doing the work yourself.

Instead of watching Shark Tank or reading business magazines, spend that time working and growing your business.
8/ Look For The GOOD In Every Situation

There's always some good in every situation.

The project you've been working on got canceled? Good, you get to explore a new one.

Look for the positive in every negative situation and you'll find some good in it.
9/ Better To Be Interested Than Interesting

If you want people to like you, practice being interested in them.

It's a more effective strategy than trying to impress them by being interesting.

Listen attentively, ask thoughtful questions, and let them do most of the talking.
10/ Set Systems Over Goals

If goals are the macro, systems are the micro.

They’re how you achieve your goals.

Wanting to lose 10 lbs is a goal. Running for 20 minutes every morning is a system.

Have a goal but set up a system that will help you achieve it.
Books covered (in order):

• Mindset
• Meditations
• Atomic Habits
• 12 Rules For Life
• Anything You Want
• Extreme Ownership
• The Algebra of Happiness
• Discipline Equals Freedom
• How To Win Friends & Influence People
• How To Fail At Almost Everything & Still Win
That's it for now!

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