Contrary to what some may tell you, being over 40 doesn’t mean you have to pack in your fitness goals and go searching for the ever common “Dad Bod”.

Just the opposite, keep getting after it, retain your health, vigor and energy. Keep lifting, keep running, keep eating healthy meals.

Don’t just pack it in because every single one of your neighbours have. Don’t fall prey to that trap.
And if you have, that’s OK! I am here to tell you that it can fixed, with a solid plan & a little consistency. If you’re new to the game or getting back to it after a little lay off, here’s some tips you may want to follow as a pursuer of health & fitness, over the age of 40!
1. Do NOT skip the warmup. As we age, our muscles & tendons become less flexible and more subject to injury. A solid 10-15 min warmup of light motion, not static stretching, is best. Think of the warmup not as a thing you do before the workout, but rather part of the workout.
2. Do NOT skip a workout. Life is demanding. I get it! Kids, spouse, job, community. But you have to make it happen. You need this back in your life.
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Here are some options:

•Exercise early, before your day gets out of control.
•Make exercise a part of your routine, like biking to work.
•Exercise with family to combine quality time & exercise.
•Find a workout budwho will harass you into showing up.
3. Focus on flexibility & mobility. Flexible muscles & resilient joints will prevent you from sustaining an injury. Build in a cooldown stretching routine of 10-20 minutes at the end of your workout. You can do static stretching here, now that you are warm.
4. Don’t ignore injuries, aches & pains. The days of “walking it off” are behind us. Pain is a warning sign that something may be wrong. Rest and get it looked at, if necessary.
5. You may need to adjust your workouts. For most, you can give up heavy deadlifts, one rep max’s and trying to squat a small car. Recovery takes longer, we can damage more easily, and joints and ligaments have already been subject to decade of wear & tear.
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Kettlebells, bands, machine work, yoga, swimming, etc. are all great options to consider, along with more hypertrophy based lifts.
6. Check your ego! Sadly, you are not 20 anymore. Overcome the urge to show the kids in the gym that you still ‘got it’. No need to try and impress anybody in the gym. It never ends well. Show up, be consistent and put in your time.
7. Don’t dwell on the past. Stop worrying about what you used to be able to do, how much you could lift, how fast you could run. It’s a depressant. Focus on the fact that you are still getting after it, while most have packed it in.
8. Get your diet in check! Whole foods, that are nutrient dense are ideal. Knock off processed garbage, seed oils and sugars where you can. Doesn’t mean you can indulge on occasion, but keep it in check 85-90% of the time.
From one aging jock to another, follow these guidelines and you will see your health and fitness improve infinitely, while avoiding injury and quite simply, just feel better. Not every point will apply to every man out there, but give it a shot and let me know what you think.
You can follow @StepBeyond_71.
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