It’s almost pathetic, if fans could look at it dispassionately.

Why so desperate? We need to superstars! Sure, we spent like €220m on Hazard, Rodrygo, and VJR, Barca another €250m on their forwards, but we need new!

No. Sleep in the bed you made. Lower spending, drastically,
Important nuance that defenders of these clubs keep twisting: they don’t need this to SURVIVE.

They need this to maintain their drastic superiority over domestic peers, and to stay ahead of the European elite. They need it to maintain unending growth. Those are not the same.+
I say: too bad. Get in line like everyone else.

Valencia needed it to stay ahead of the other 18. Malaga needed it to stay up. They didn’t get it, so they paid up and paid for their mismanagement and short-sighted planning. That’s business too, at least for for the 99%.+
These 2 Spanish clubs (3 actually) are coming off of their most successful, most financially rewarding decade in their whole history.

Now we should feel pity that they can’t keep that going? Get outta here, man. No sympathy, no more than for Levante, Getafe, or any other club.+
If you’re a fan of these clubs, just be intellectually honest and consistent. That’s all I ask. Stop the cries of desperation & blaming Covid for more than it’s solely responsible for.

Only the elite get to so easily take short cuts. The road back is long and hard for most.+
You want this to keep the bragging rights of saying you support the best clubs? The constant winners? That’s fine. Easy choice to make, I get it. But stop the mental gymnastics, stop trying to convince yourself of things that aren’t full true.

These clubs will be more than fine.
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