Thread response and deconstruction:

In this thread I will be dealing and responding to one of the most awkard and wild assertion made by the author of a blog inorder to discredit and lambast Quran's preservation and authenticity:
So, according to this blog author. Prophet's great campanion and one of the top reciters among the Sahaba allegedly to testified to wholesale corruption of Quran, so we will let him/her demonstrate what is the alleged testification of corruption of Quran by Ubai Bin Kab:
So, we conclude two things:

-He quotes a narration from only two sources:
Tafsir An Nasai by Imam An Nasai and Siyar Alam Wan Nubla. Note: He quoted no single Tafsir other than Tafsir An Nasai. Then, he goes on to assume that commentators of this two books who reviewed it
And commented and said Isnad of this narration is Sahih is actually grading and statement of Imam An Nasai and Ad Dhahabi
-The narration speaks of Qs 48:26 containing following addition لو حميتم كما حموا لفسد المسجد الحرام
If you were zealous(تعصب)as, they were zealous
It would have corrupted Masjid Al Haram. So, this is the Alleged testification of corruption of Quran by Ubai Bin Kab according to him or her:
Coming to first very point which I concluded:
The one who said Isnad is Saheeh is not grading or statement of the authors of the books i.e Imam Ad Dahabi or An Nasai rather, it is statement or grading of the one reviewed and commented on the books in the footnotes:
So, lets combine both point 1 and 2:

I myself havent come across single narration from any tafsir book be it At Tabari or Al Qurtubi or Abu Yayha Yazeed Bin Al Farra etc where any of the salaf tesifies that Ubai Bin Kab used to recite Qs 48:26 in this mode or Fashion(حرف)
Other than this narration alone itself. The author of the blog is ignorant of Uloom Al Hadeeth too. He or She thinks that if a particular narration has Saheeh Isnad automtically the narration itself becomes Saheeh.
Infact great Muhaddisin and Hadeeth critic like Ibn Salah said in his book Uloom Al Hadees : A narration which is not found in the well known collection of Ahadeeth or Sahihyan and its authenticity is not determined. We dont venture to grade it's authenticity.
He goes to explain what of Isnad is Sahih means. He says: Its said: This Hadeeth's Isnad is Sahih and its not authentic due to the fact it being Muallal or Shawj. Other than the fact if the author or compiler of the book limits to saying its Isnad Saheeh but, doesnt mention
Reason nor criticises or dispraises it i.e the narration. What is apparent is that the grading of it is Saheeh in itself due to no or lack of reason or being dispraised and it is Apparent wallahu Alam. And in the footnote it says, Sheikhul Islam Ibn Tayyimah said: i dont doubt
That Imam among them i.e Scholars equate the statement of Sahih(i.e narration itself Sahih)to Isnad being Sahih.
Doesnt equate^
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