Here's an unnecessarily long thread of me appreciating #clerith, from the OG FF7 to FF7R complete with my thoughts, opinions, and reasons bc i want to gush about them. [super long + messy + contains spoilers for FF7, FF8, FF10 and FF15]
We already have thousands and millions of posts about analyses, theories, and cleriths beautifully crushing misinformation in LTDs, so here is some brainrot from me.
Even when i played the OG as a very young kid, it was truly enjoyable for me. The *story* played a big, big part in that. It was suprisingly easy to follow through, which allowed me to ultimately become immersed in the game.
In the beginning, there wasn't any part that stood out to me much. Aside from curiosity over some characters, it was.. pretty normal. Sector 7 is pretty much more on work which brought out the merc side of Cloud even more
Because of his nature, i didn't imagine myself getting attached to Cloud that easily. He was too serious, had a no-nonsense attitude, and literally seemed to be all about beating up monsters and making gil. But i did, anyway. Probably bc we play as him.
Aerith's appearance in the game is when my interest had first been piqued. Straight up, she's playful, and lovely, and kind, and my god, is that Cloud laughing?????? *The* Cloud Strife? I was absolutely astounded.
Up until that point, Cloud had been a hardass. All about jobs, and working, and making gil to the point where i wanted to rub my hand all over my face. But he actually lightens after meeting Aerith.
It gets even better after that. The man literally softens up and this whole progress has me hooked, i just couldn't pinpoint what part of it got me so hooked before (spoiler: it's the character development)
There is also something in the way both of them interact. I can't explain well, but it's like two people falling in sync with each other. Sometimes communication is hard between C and T, but with A it feels more smooth. Natural.
By the time i've reached the Gold Saucer part, i was already rooting for Cloud and Aerith. In my mind, she was good for him because she made him *happy* and she made him laugh. As simple as that. + Cait sith's wedding prediction ! I was so stoked.
And truly, none of C's relationships could hit me as much as it did with A's, no. The Sleeping Forest scene was my undoing, especially with the events that led up to it. All the events that followed after meeting A had me consistently feeling strong emotions.
Y'know how he spends a lot of wholesome time with her, does things he normally wouldn't do, grows to care about her, AND THEN S sadistically controls him to beat her up and then he dreams about her leaving right after. When i tell you i shrieked in absolute horror.
SE was successfully spinning my emotions all over the place with these two. I was so deeply touched by Aerith's words to him in the dream, how she was not scared of him and still thought about his well-being first despite what happened.
I finally wept for the first time when he tries to run after her, but stays stuck in place as she disappears into the forest. All because i understood how he felt. I look at Aerith and i see someone reminiscent of an old friend, one that feels like home.
The horrors just continue on from there. When *that* scene happened, i panicked so much for Cloud, for everyone, and i told myself to never open the game again once i'm finished with it for the great sadness it brought me.
Learning C's past made the pain even worse. His life had been too rough, too unkind to him, and A had truly been one of the only people who can bring color and happiness into his sh*tty af life. But then that happiness gets taken away from him and goddamn.
It intensified my sadness over her death and my sympathy for C. The way he broke down when she died threatened to rip my heart into pieces. Cloud, crying? And the speech he gave right after. My god.
The profound impact the game left on me was so big that i tried not to think about it anymore. There was so much denial on my part bc i genuinely enjoyed the interactions with Aerith and loved her and the ending had me feeling depressed.
Try as i might though, i could never forget the game. I could only push it to the very back of my mind at best. Years pass by, and i pick up the hobby of reading and writing. Mostly YA novels, here and there.
One thing i quickly learned from reading novels is that writing genuinely good romance is very difficult to achieve. I lost count of how many romance novels i've read out there that made me annoyed to no end.
It's either the dynamic between the characters is horrible, the execution is poorly done, the romance is rushed, it is boring, etc. These novels had me feeling tired asf.
+ I'm with the whole "being able to feel the love between two characters without a kissing scene or a direct confession means you have successfully written a good romance" thing in writing.
That's not to say relationships that develop after kissing or confessing is inherently bad. It all depends on the execution at the end of the day. It just hits different. I'll be bringing this up again later in the thread.
After picking up FF8 and FF10, i fell in love with the games again. They felt nostalgic and i enjoyed the main couples *mostly because* i see how the characters go out of their way for the person they love, and i lived for that. Tiduna, especially.
But some scenes, especially the significant ones, felt familiar. Like i've already seen and experienced them before at some point of my life. As i play, my mind whirls and goes, "Where have i seen this before?" The scenes between Cloud and Aerith, that's what.
Parallels. They start and they never stopped. The very game i shoved to the back of my mind was starting to emerge again in brief memories, through the romance of other FF characters.
There is tons of parallels that can be made with FF7, FF8, FF10, and *even* FF15. I haven't played the others yet but apparently there is more. I can't list/show them all because this thread will become a MOUNTAIN if i do. That's how much of them there is out there.
Maybe it's the way that Yuna has to make a sacrifice that results in dying, while Tidus tries to save her after learning of it. Or the way she asks Tidus to be her guard, only to have him ripped away from her in the end. Interactions that feel just right. Smooth. Familiar.
Or the way that Rinoa bludgeons through all of the various walls that Squall has put around himself and thaws the ice inside his heart, effectively making him open up, grow, and changes him so much as a person. Opposites, but complementing each other. Familiar.
Tidus and Squall *WILLINGLY* throwing themselves in situations where the risk of failing/dying is high but not caring as long as it means they get to save the person they love. Stubborn, boneheaded determination. *Very familiar.*
Even NoctLuna, at some point, reminded me of Clerith. Although her death fell flat on most players, the WAY Noctis desperately tries to reach out to Luna in her death scene only to stay in place made me think, "haven't i seen this before?" once again.
Not to mention when Luna approaches Noctis in the Royal Edition only to disappear before their hands are able to make contact. At some point i thought i wouldn't be surprised if they used Cloud and Aerith as a blueprint/inspiration for the couples. Can i blame them? No.
It is already a no-brainer as to why i kept getting reminded of Clerith. The actions and the events that these characters have gone through also happened with Cloud and Aerith, hence why i kept remembering them.
The major difference is that Cloud and Aerith have not kissed or *directly* confessed to each other, which is even better because it means they already feel like a legitimate romance couple -
Even without having to do these things. The way they act and communicate with each other alone is enough to show how much they care for one another. Remember what i said about writing genuinely good romance? That.
The similarities i noticed contained sacrifice, tragedy, support, and/or determination in the story. Sometimes, it contains all four. We see these characters grow and persevere no matter how high the stakes are. A symbol that love flourishes despite hardship.
It becomes a theme, especially for the main couples of Final Fantasy. Thematically, Cloud and Aerith fits in it. Especially with what they have gone through together.
And i find it funny how the scenes between C and A parallels the scenes with other canon FF couples best, compared to ones of C and T. Probably unfair considering the difference of their roles in the story, but still. I always think about that.
But i never engaged with the FF7 fandom throughout those years. Mostly because the ship wars were insane and you couldn't enjoy Clerith without some anti breathing down your neck 24/7
The way Clerith shippers were attacked before (and now) is absolutely horrible. I have never seen people go through such lengths for a *fictional ship* until i saw the FF7 fandom. It was appalling.
I can't imagine how much those shippers endured and defended the ship after all these years. They truly are the MVPs and i feel sorry for what they had to go through.
Having finally picked up FF7R this year and finally seeing Aerith again— alive and well—holding out a flower to Cloud, i became emotional.
Knowing what happens in the OG just makes you feel bittersweet for these two as you play through the remake. Mostly bc you *know* that she will make him happy, and that he will grow because of it—
And he does. History repeats itself. They did Cloud and Aerith's interactions justice in the remake. From the playfulness, silliness, the somber parts, all of it. And we aren't even in Part 2 yet. ✨ 𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓷 ✨
The moment Cloud crashes through the roof of the church in Sector 5, the atmosphere of the game becomes lighter. And it isn't a lie that Sector 5 is much more welcoming compared to Sector 7.
That rooftop scene is pure perfection. I love the interactions as they maneuver their way through and even the silly parts, with Aerith pranking Cloud, and Cloud catching Aerith from her fall.
Their chemistry is beautiful. Their personalities are the complete opposite of each other and yet they complement one another really well. Like puzzle pieces that fit together.
And these two had SO MUCH wholesome moments in the remake. Flower picking (!!!), the children of the Leaf House and how they come to idolize Cloud, the playful banters as they travel together in Sector 5—
It's all so good and i'm so glad he was able to ever come to Sector 5. I felt that he was being appreciated and he deserves it after all the big bumpy road that is Sector 7.
And most importantly, let us not forget: the little things. Cloud laughing. He smiles a lot more. He initiates high fives. He starts caring about the Planet—
And the best part: Aerith calling Cloud's eyes beautiful, and the fact that that was probably the first time anyone has ever complimented his eyes. Everyone else always saw it negatively, but Aerith...
She has only ever been so kind and encouraging with him. It destroys me. Especially when you know the things these two have went through from childhood to adulthood.
Both have been lonely as children, one being excluded from groups and the other one spending her life inside Shinra's labs with her mother. Cloud, being depraved of love and kindness for so long, shuts himself out—
After being bullied as a child, failing to make it into SOLDIER, getting the image of his hero (Sephiroth) destroyed and going through Zack's death, the world has not been that kind to him.
And Aerith, escaping from Shinra only for her mother to die, scaring other children because of her Cetra powers to the point where she doesn't talk about it anymore, Z's death (again), but still retaining so much love inside of her and her cheerful personality despite it all.
These two knows what it's like to be lonely. Excluded. And the fact that they meet each other and are able to encourage one another allows them to explore, try, and grow. I love that. *We love to see it.*
They meet with all their similarities and differences, and still manage to complete each other in a way where i become so moved at seeing their relationship develop. Their chemistry is so, so, so immaculate and pure that it makes me want to,,
They are both good people who deserve to be treated with kindness and love. They deserve to be happy, and deserve to be protected. They deserve *this* happiness.
I've seen people criticize Cleriths for thinking that C already loves A despite having met her for just a day. But honestly? With the way A has been so nice to him, i can't blame C for getting comfortable quickly. The way he opens up fast is so telling.
Plus, the execution is done so well to the point where even people who know NOTHING about Final Fantasy gets drawn towards Cloud and Aerith's relationship. If that isn't a good job, then i don't know what is.
She encourages him and gently prods him to be nicer, to loosen up and enjoy himself. Not to mention, being so understanding with him. Ever so patient. She has never been harsh with him and always includes him. I don't understand the ppl that hate her 💀
Cloud grows as a character, no matter how small. We see it in the way he laughs and smiles more in Aerith's presence. In the way he tries and does things he otherwise normally wouldn't do. Through it all, Aerith stays supportive. And i am so happy for my son
The way i was so thrilled when Cloud gives Aerith a high five without reluctance in the colosseum like omf my baby boy is doing it i'm so proud of him bless 🥺
The red dress scene, where Cloud's jaw drops and his eyes just focus on her and the fireworks omg

and he literally s t u t t e r s after seeing Aerith. Cloud has never done that with anyone before.
Cloud literally dreaming of his mother describing the 'ideal girl' for him only for Aerith to fit that description and even call him 'silly' in the dream sequence. What is this coincidence ma'am? 😭
Honestly, I don't know how some people don't get a serotonin boost alone from the interactions of these two in the game. It's brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference—
Which is why, the idea of her death is going to be so, so devastating to us and to Cloud. It's great. The tragedy is ✨ 𝓲𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮 ✨
Here we have two people finally being able attain happiness in the presence of each other after everything they've went through. Only for Sephiroth to come and rip that happiness away, leaving a very broken Cloud behind.
Hence why i agree that Cloud and Aerith as a romance dynamic is more interesting to pursue rather than Cloud and Teef. I know people prefer the slow burn type of thing they have going on, and that is fine. But Clerith is SO good storywise.
The idea of love trascending death? Absolutely beautiful. Star crossed lovers have always been a favorite of mine because i WANT to see love persevere amongst anything else. Give us that shi.
And i can't s t r e s s enough how much potential Clerith has with angst. All the good ideas that spring up with these two and the stories you could make with them is chef's kiss.
Hell, some fanfics that pursue these ideas are so good to the point where they might as well be in my bookshelf where i only keep my favorite novels.
Clerith also makes more sense to the story compared to the *other* pairing. I remember CTs being so happy about the h!ghw!nd scene bc 'seggs' but when u take a step back and look at the story from their perspective, it hardly makes any sense, like oh my god?
The theory that Aerith in the remake already knows of her fate in the OG makes the dream sequence more painful. It means she is aware of the pain her death has brought him, and so she tries to protect him from that pain by telling him not to fall in love with her. I am deceased
+ The fact that she goes ahead and tells Cloud that she's so happy for having met him, it makes me weep. At some point i felt like she wanted him to know that as early as possible in case things go wrong in the future—
So that Cloud may know how much he meant to her in the times they have spent together. It's just speculation on my part, but no matter what direction you see it in, it's always bound to be painful/angsty.
They're not 'official' but the thought of them in a romantic sense has as much impact as well written romances in novels. The growth, hun. The growth. Get you a person who is so nice to you and keeps encouraging you to be the best part of yourself.
Almost **every** cameo of Cloud in other games always has him looking for The Promised Land or ways to reunite with Aerith. Which is precious, and lovely, and sad, and it's just ugh my son pls just make him happy for once
Don't even get me started on AC. The way Aerith is still so encouraging and supportive of him even AFTER DEATH 😭✋ "I never blamed you, not once. You came for me. That's all that matters." If that is not love, then idk what.
And Cloud literally longing to reunite with her so much to the point where he wanted the geostigma to just end him is ugh. C'mon SE.
As for the whole "Clerith is invalid because Aerith is dead and Cloud needs to move on" argument, the option to love someone else is always there but *you don't need to be in a relationship to be happy and/or move on*.
Don't forget that Yuna, Noctis, Laguna, Ashe and many more characters have moved on and still stayed single. It doesn't mean they have to love Someone else to attain that happiness back, so long as they surround themselves with people that make them happy.
And it doesn't mean they can't keep loving the person they've lost. So this argument is pretty ew.
That's why it makes me really sad to see other people disguising themselves as Cleriths only to spread misinformation about the two. That some people want to vigorously erase Aerith and her importance to him even though she was such a positive force in his life.
The people that undermine Cloud's grief over her death and her importance to him *and* the story as a character makes me BAFFLED. As if her death wasn't important for his character development already. Y'all want to turn the story into hot garbo or something?
Even more baffling that people hate on Aerith especially with how significant she becomes for Cloud. Girl is literally so nice and makes Cloud happy but some people just can't accept that for some reason 💀
ESPECIALLY those people who claim to be debunkers of misinformation and looks at the *facts* but completely dismiss her importance to him and the story.
Which brings me to my next point. My words can't do their relationship justice. I can't talk about them without losing my mind and rambling because they make me feel things—
And i literally have to write a long ass essay just to explain how beautiful this pairing is. In order to dodge the bias from the fans, you have to experience the game for yourself. If Cloud and Aerith is all up your alley, then voila. Come and enjoy the good amount of angst.
And that is all for my brainrot. 💀 Never regretted having these two on my list of 'couples that genuinely moved me', official or not. Fingers crossed for Part 2.
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