hi, i am a girl.
23 years old.
currently at my final year of bachelor degree in Psychology at IPTA in Malaysia.
i love pink color.
i also love gold and silver. i invest them because i know i am poor. we never know what will happen to money. so invest in gold and silver is the best.
i don't have ambition. currently i just don't know what i am doing, what i am going to be, and what i am?
i feel useless all the time cause i don't know what my interest in life.
i love coffee. cappucino is the most. others also good. and Starbuck is the best coffee i've ever tried. but i don't have privellege to drink them all the time. i only drink my favorite drink once or twice per year. i am poor as f.
i eat almost everything. but there are some that i am not really a fan of;
1- air soya
2- donat
3- cendol
4- ayam percik
5- all fruits
6- all nuts
7- all chocoloate stuff
8- all sweet stuff
i am currently stan BLACKPINK, iKON, and IU. ♥️✨
i love Jennie out of them. ♥️
IU is so cute. ♥️
my ultimate favorite ayat. i remember miracle happens.
i am an introvert. people might see me as quiet person but i totally am not shy. most of the time i drain a lot when i meet a lot of people in a day. especially when i dont really close to them or i don't know them personally.
i am an observer. i think a lot when i observe the worlds. sometimes i get tired because i think so much unnecessary things when i observe people.
i talk little, but i write a lot. it is all prove because i tweet a lot everyday. i also write a lot on my WhatsApp status. at some point, i hide my status with so many people because i am a private person. i choose who i am comfortable with.
i still cannot move on with Seon Ho. it's a fact tho. i never love korean actor as much as i love him. i don't know why, he is just adorable to be loved.
i rarely go to reunion because i hate meeting people that i am not really close and pretending to be close. so i pretending to be busy everytime i have reunion. lol. it's just that what i was always been doing all this while.
interesting fact: i was really bad at English back then, until SPM. i don't even know how to structure the sentence in English. i know nothing about English. grammar also out. i've never imagine that i would write and express my feelings in English comfortably.
i am not saying that i am really good at English now. but yeah, it's better than before, and hey, what's going on with doing mistakes and error in English? we are not English native speaker anyway. just make sure we are really good in Malay, because as Malaysian, we have to.
shame on you if you are Malaysian and stay in Malaysia but don't fluent in Malay. don't be so proud being fluent in English but stupid in Malay. British people never see you if you fluent in English anyways.
i can do almost everything if you ask me. but not this. please just don't. 😭
actually i lost interest towards so many things these days. so my ultimate hobby is sleep. sometimes if i bored i just sleep. cause my dream is always interesting.
my favorite dessert is ice cream. 🍦♥️ i just got this yesterday. hehe.
i hate perfumes. when i was a teen, i bought so many perfumes because it becomes trend around us at the moment. but, i never use them. because i just realize that i don't like them.
i am a boring person.
when i was little, i love to write a lot of poems. but now, my interest towards them are all gone.
i remember when i was 13 years old, i wrote a short novel in my whole note book. and all of my classmates read my short novel. i feel so happy and proud of myself at the moment.
i decided to make this thread as my diary or about myself, but still keep myself private. i don't know if you understand what i am trying to do. i just don't want people on Twitter know who am i. but it's enough to you to know my feelings and emotion. i hope it makes sense huh.
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