It's only a handful of us black conservatives, and it's a lot of feuding, but I get it. Some of the biggest faces they put out there do nothing but tear down the black community. I cannot get with that bs at all. Let me tell you why, this ghetto y'all laugh at, or alaud people...
... For tearing down, I came from that. My mom ghetto, family ghetto and they are some of the best people you'll ever meet. Hell that shit is in me, only difference is in an evolving world, a black man like myself gotta have many faces, be able to switch it up, but I never...
...forget where I'm from. Which is why I'll never tear down the black community that I truly want to see do better. I know a lot of white conservatives don't understand when we say things like this, but imagine this for a second, grab a couple of of big name white people and...
...give them an all black audience to talk sh*t about y'all (hell, kinda like they Cuomo on CNN) and that's what it's like. How would you view those people? Are we really trying to pull in black people or is it just talk? That's what happens with the likes of Owens/tatum..
...while you're thinking they're being real, others that look like them, like myself are seeing it as problematic. And when black libs on the outside see someone as myself, automatically they think i have that mindset and are unjustly on the defense with me. This is why I'm...
..thankful they are pushing others to the forefront who really love us like a @NewEmergingKing amongst others. And a lot of you like to tag me in videos of the very people I say are problematic, please stop that. That message they give is not for me.
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