What’s the best way to run a personal blog?

I currently run a custom-built, duct-taped-together Hugo static site, hosted for free on Netlify.

But publishing is a PITA using Git commits. I want something simpler.

Can you please think with me?
I’ve successfully rebuilt my entire theme in Webflow in an afternoon.

Only problem: @webflow ain’t cheap! I don’t want to add another $16/month bill.
Another option would be @super_, but:

1) No idea how to style it to my liking (yet).

2) It still adds another fucking $12/month bill. Too much for an irregular hobby site.
The cheapest and easiest option would probably be @TryGhost.

Starts at $9/month (billed yearly) or $5/month on DigitalOcean.

But I’m forced to host it myself, as I refuse to pay $29/month (billed yearly) just to be able to use my own theme (which I still need to port).
And before you suggest WordPress: it already pains me I need it for @RoamStack. After 15 years of use, I have enough traumas.

I need a simple, cheap, and unique (theme) personal blog. Posting should be frictionless. And, I want to own it all, so no Medium, etc.

Please help! 🙏🏼
Oh hello, how could I have missed @CraftCMS? 5 minutes on DDG, and I see one(!) article suggest it. (They probably have no affiliate program—like sucky Blue Host.)

Does anyone have experience with their free plan? How free are you in designing? What are the caveats?
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