In a loving relationship, a #cuckoldress bears the enormous burden of her #cucks well-being. She can never take her hands off the wheel because in this lifestyle we walk a razors edge.
99% of the time what we do, who we are, how I view myself and how she views me swells my chest with pride. Then there is that 1% day, where I get sucker punched by a left hook of baseless insecurity out of nowhere entirely in my mind

That is when my wife, my lover, and my best friend is there to catch me.
The lifestyle, the cage, the kink, it all gets cast aside as she puts my well being and ‘us’ before all else.
She builds me back up. One touch as we pass in hall, one stolen kiss making dinner, one whispered word of what I mean to her, one incredible loving sensuous moment in the dark with the lights down low and the kids asleep, at a time.
Some naively think a #cuckoldress is getting the best end of the deal, but those who know the reality of this life, those whom have been picked up and made whole again in their weakest moments know the truth. I know the truth.
Sure, it takes a strong man to be a #cuck, but a true #cuckoldress has strength, love, empathy and resilience for all that we draw on them for in our moments of weakness. All hail the cuckoldress!
My @MrsBr_Saiph 💖
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