Sometimes I think it'd be nice to try writing a novel again but with chapter illustrations as a compromise between illustrating the whole story and just using purely words
This is absolutely partly out of frustration with how long drawing comics takes.

Also, sometimes it feels a bit easier to nail what I'm going for tone wise with words than art. Playing around with language is fun
On top of that, itcan take a month or more to squeeze a chapter draft out of me. Then months more to get it refined. Then MONTHS MORE TO DRAW IT ALL. And that's assuming I've already designed everything, which also takes months
I think it's all that together that gets to me.

I love my characters.

I love designing them,

but at the end of the day my main focus is actually more on the story than the setting aesthetics + character aesthetics anyway
Making this thread may or may not have resulted in me talking myself into being more open to the idea of a light novel setup with future projects.
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