Why rejecting a diagnosis when *we do not meet* the diagnostic criteria is not "ableist"

I cant believe this thread 🧵 is necessary 🙄

First, a lil run down through some criteria:

Now the actual points:

• Calling all plural systems inherently dysfunctional, regardless of their actual experience, just because they are plural is pluralphobia. Plurality needs to be accepted as a valid way of living and this goes against that.
• We are not saying that having a diagnosis or being disordered makes someone "inferior" or "bad". *That* would be ableist.

• We arent rejecting the idea that disordered systems exist and need help from mental health professionals and from their comunities.
• Applying the DSM criteria in an unprofessional way, to any person that is just different regardless of their actual needs or health, would go against the purpose of the mental health system: helping people in need to heal and recover.
• Disregarding our personal assessment of how (dys)functional we are, just because we are plural and we are deemed unable to exercise that autonomy. Being told we have ✨repressed trauma✨ (see criteria B) and gaslighting us into that. *Well, that's ableist*

Respect. People.
• We do have dysfunction and disability. We know what those are and can make a comparissons and see how plurality isn't one of those. On the contrary, it helps us survive.

• People would actually be hurt if we appropriated a psychiatric label not meant for us.
• Our personal assessment of hiw (dys)functional we are is a choice we make with no intention of invalidating other people's choices or experiences. This choice is not a statement about other systems. Is a thing we say about ourselves and only ourselves.
To add to this one: Nitpicking our life for little details in order to tell us we are dysfunctional and attacking our freedom to decide for ourselves, because we are seen as incapable of analyzing our lives *is also ableist*

And hella abusive tbh https://twitter.com/Candelaria_ycia/status/1384981855036977152?s=19
• By rejecting a DID or OSDD diagnosis, we are not leaving any "problem" untreated. We have no reason to think we have them. (We wouldn't let psychological problems untreated, by the way)

The only problem this rejection causes us are in twitter and reddit, tbh. Rest is fine.
• We are not telling people that have relevant symptoms, suffering or impairment to not seek help. We are not gatekeeping how disordered they should be or anything. Lmao, this does not follow logically from our rejection of a diagnosis that we do not fit.

We just speak for us.
Finally, an important one:

• Non-disordered systems (of all kinds) need to be recognized by the people studying plurality in all of its forms. Becuz we want to be able to live w/o discrimination against us, and because it would improve any theory made about plurals #pluralgang
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