Hear me out. Apple made a great Camera for tracking facial expressions which is why I use the Animoji for streams. I really wish they would make a web cam with the same tech that could be used for streamers who choose not to show their faces. It could also add features like..
The Animoji included but also the ability to use this tech with programs VTubers use to track their movements and face. It could also feature more options for the Animoji like a body from waist up to include shoulders or possibly even arm movements. I feel like tech is..
Amazing and kind of wasted if not used in more innovative ways then a texting emote. I don't even know if people use Animoji on the regular if they have an IPhone. Doubt anyone will see this, but I needed to say it cause I think about the possibility's all the time.
I also know Apple may not invest in something gaming related or streamer focused. Though if marketed as a webcam more consumers might still pick it up if it fits in their Apple eco system.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. 😅
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