The perfect Liverpool FC owner :

- Spends a net £150m+ every window
- All tickets £10
- Cured cancer
- Allows fans to design kit
- Signs players via Twitter polls
- Increases Anfield capacity to 100k
- Volunteers at a dog rescue centre every Tues & Thurs

They’re out there 🤞
All jokes aside, some of the most vocal fans regarding the owners the last few years have been those that demand huge net spends yet mock City for buying trophies with chequebook managers, want new owners but don’t know who and gauge how good a player is by their transfer fee.
Also, they think being self-sustainable is bad but being State/Oligarch funded ruins football and shouldn’t be allowed either. So they want a philanthropic billionaire that found their money under a fucking rainbow to takeover and spend loads but not *loads* but Mbappe & Haaland.
I don’t know what the answer is. I won’t pretend otherwise. I think I just want decent owners that are sensible & intelligent spenders, do good things, employ good people, leave the club in a better state than they found it, learn from mistakes, engage openly with fans groups...
..and LISTEN. I want them to listen to the supporters. They don’t have to offer us the moon on a stick. Just be good, honest people that have the best interests of the club, and the game in general, at heart. Not every box can be ticked, but I think I’m more realistic than most.
Do our current owners tick these boxes? I think they used to tick most of them. Do they now? The jury is out on that one. Can we get someone with enough money to buy us who can tick more than FSG? Billion dollar question init....

*opinions my own, I don’t speak for all our fans*
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