I’m not sure what’s so hard for people to understand. Decentralization is a meme to speculators until it isn’t. In the meantime, speculators will continue to profit on the current trends and then move over when the trends shift.
Whether you care about decentralization or not, you do care about your bags being pumped no matter how in it for the tech you are and that requires main stream adoption. The main stream is clearly voting with their dollars right now and their vote is that cheapest is best.
Most people with discretionary incomes don’t live in places where the centralization is of material importance because their lives are by and large quite free as is their capital. That doesn’t mean builders shouldn’t build towards a decentralized future but it also doesn’t mean..
all the value is just going to magically flow over there because all of a sudden everyone’s going to have an epiphany that decentralization is important. I think these Band-Aid scaling solutions are useful for keeping the “coals hot“ until it can be done on ETH.
It’s weird to me how many people don’t see that. Like I think it’s net positive for the space as a whole. In the process, if you let fundamentalism erode your brain you end up missing so much opportunity… Not just in terms of profit but also experimentation. Theirs people..
cool things all over the place and on many different chains. I guess my point is don’t be dogmatic, and don’t overthink things. Just watch where the Moneyball goes. Cool if you get a head of the Moneyball, but honestly it’s not even necessary.
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