Some tips for people using HOME OXYGENATION/CYLINDERS if it helps:

✅ Target oxygen saturation of 88-92% only. It's safe and best. Do not chase 100% saturation on your finger pulse probe - it will harm more than benefit. (Also, your cylinder will last longer this way.)
✅ Ensure that the face mask fits snug on the face and there are no leakages around the nose and cheeks. Use proper sized mask. Press metal clip to seal the mask against the nose. Tighten straps to seal the mask against the cheeks. (This will again make your cylinder last long.)
✅ Keep an eye on danger signs when the patient might need urgent hospital care immediately. These are:
1. Patient still seems struggling despite giving oxygen.
2. Lips, tongue turning dark.
3. Patient fainting/not waking up.
4. Patient unable to eat or drink or sit up.
✅ Use 'prone positioning' to improve your oxygen. Eat breakfast, lie on your back for 2 hours. Then, lie on your tummy for 2 hours or more. When tired in between, lie on your sides. Again, eat your lunch, continue the same process. The more you lie on your tummy, the better.
✅ Make sure you do not light matches/cigarettes/use spark producing electrical appliances in the room where you're using your oxygen cylinder. Don't keep oil/petrol or cook near the cylinder. Oxygen supports combustion. You'd burn the entire place down if careless.🏴‍☠️
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