I'm going to start posting "If Only We Wish Hard Enough" a My Fairy Academia AU here. My Fairy Academia belongs to @/SybLaTortue and I was given permission to write this fic!
The first three chapters are already up on AO3 but I write more/faster on twitter so . . .
TW/CW/Tags: KiriBaku; various background ships including Minatetsu, Hagajirou, Seroroki, The Big Throuple, probably some others; exams; stress; hero work
Macro/Micro; fairies are little shits, come eating, oral, anal,
đŸȘ„Chapter One: Would You Like to Have Your Adventure Now? đŸȘ„
Class 2A can tell when Aizawa is cooking something up now, whether it’s a rational deception or just a hero lesson that seems unnecessarily brutal. It’s not the look on his face or in his eyes; he never gets anything away that easily.

It’s how he gets out of the sleeping bag.
On normal days, Aizawa slides out of his yellow sleeping bag heavily, always desperate for more sleep. On days when he’s up to something, he tends to stand up a little straighter, and pull his feet out just a little faster. I
t’s taken eighteen months of careful watching to figure that out, and Shoji was the first one to notice. He clued in Tokoyami and Ojiro, and it spread from there.
Kirishima isn’t especially pleased when the wave of realization whips over the class as Aizawa rolls his sleeping bag under his table. Interning with Fatgum is taking up so much of his time, and even with Bakugou’s tutoring he’s barely keeping up with pre-calc.
They’ve had several readings lately on persistent quirks and nuisance quirks, and whatever Aizawa has planned is going to exhaust him.

Kirishima’s heart, already in his stomach, sunk down to his knees when he read through the handout prepared.
Aizawa has assigned them a long term heroics exam grade, aimed at their ability to deal with an ongoing quirk. Aizawa had laid everything out on the sheet: they wouldn’t know what the quirk they would have to deal with was beforehand;
internships, practices, and classes would continue as normal.

“You will earn or lose points from any of your teachers, UA staff, or mentors. You can earn points for controlling how the quirk affects you and those around you.
You can earn points for using the effects of the quirk to your advantage, or to help people around you. You can earn points for figuring out how to get rid of the quirk before the end of the trial period, or just outlasting it.
“Naturally, you’ll lose points when you let things go wrong. If the quirk on you disrupts class or harms others, if you are unable to adapt to the quirk in practical lessons, or if you allow the quirk to become debilitating.
This is your mid-term exam grade, and your attendance at the winter training camp will hinge on your mid-term performance.”

A tide of groans washed over the class; the training camp was rumored to be in Hokkaido, and anticipation was high.
Sero had already started to everyone how to stand on a snowboard on a hill of Todoroki’s ice. Kouda, whose family lived in Hokkaido, was dealing with far too much attention as people asked him about what to pack and what there was to do.
At least three people had confessions planned for a romantic walk in the snow. Monoma had already thrown down the gauntlet and challenged 2A to a snowball fight. There was a lot riding on this exam aside from their GPAs.
Mineta was quick to start whining about it being dangerous and using time out of school hours. Aizawa’s chin tightened as he reminded the idiot that they were in the hero course and that heroes often had to deal with fallout from their jobs in off hours -
and there were worse ways than quirks.

“You’ve seen your classmates be hospitalized for days from injuries; you’ve all had at least some counseling meetings to help you deal with trauma. Unfortunate and irritating quirks will sometimes follow you home.
Criminals aren’t going to stop while you figure out how to block the smell of fruity garlic; you need to learn how to work around this stuff now before the public is really relying on you. Any other complaints?”
The class was silent, except Midoriya; he was already scribbling away in his notebook about persistent quirks he was familiar with and how he could use them in battle until Bakugou hissed at him to shut UP, shitty nerd.
“You have already done the theoretical reading and preparation over the last week; quirks will be applied during Saturday morning heroics in gyms gamma, delta, and epsilon - assignments will be given on Friday. You have two days to prepare.”
Kirishima had to use those two days wisely. Maybe Bakugou would be willing to help him get ahead on some of the math after they finished the essays for classical Japanese. Especially if he pointed out that training camp was at stake -
Bakugou had even asked Kirishima to room with him already!

Asked might be inaccurate. “Demanded” or “ordered” might be more realistic. “Threatened to explode him if he roomed with Sero instead” might be the truth.

That wasn’t the point!
The point was that Bakugou would want Kirishima on the trip just as much as Kirishima wanted to go. Kirishima was Bakugou’s go-to sparring partner, his running buddy, and the only person he ever accepted comfort from.
He’d want to make sure Kirishima got to go as much as Kirishima wanted to go.

As Aizawa announced they had the rest of the period to study, Kirishima did some calculations in the back page of his notebook, usually reserved for doodles.
Right underneath a Kirishima with dragon wings and a Bakugou with a fluffy cape and a curving sword, he added up his exam score totals and divided by- wait, did you divide by the total or the number of assignments - okay, the number - and sighed.
To keep his A in Practical Heroics, he couldn’t get less than an A- on this exam. And he needed to keep that A to even out his English and math grades and stay in the top ten of the class.

Maybe’s Bakugou’s nerdiness was rubbing off on him.
Or maybe he just wanted Bakugou to be proud of him.

Probably the second one.

While Bakugou proofread his essay, Kirishima tried not to obviously watch him chewing the red pen between his teeth as he flipped to the second page. Bakugou redlined every inch of Kirishima’s papers before he gave them back to him; it was something he appreciated,
something Bakugou only did for him. Even when the rest of the squad joined in to study sessions, Kirishima’s work got most of Bakugou’s attention. He owed it to him to do well.
Plus, he couldn’t forget his short term goal here: make it to training camp. He had big plans for training camp.

“Alright, shitty hair. Your argument wasn’t a flaming trash pile this time, so you should be able to wrap this up tonight.”
Bakugou set the essay down before getting up to stretch and scratch his stomach. It was a double whammy for Kirishima - when he bent over, Kirishima could see right down the loose neck of his tank to see Bakugou’s pecs in shadow, and when he scratched,
his shirt pulled up enough for Kirishima to see the jut of his hip bone and the shadow of hair below his belly button. He looked down quickly - it wasn’t manly to ogle your best friend. So he wouldn’t ogle. Because him and Bakugou were just best friends.
Even if he had an elaborate plan to confess to Bakugou in the snow. If it went well, then he could ogle with permission from his new boyfriend. If it didn’t . . .

Well if it didn’t go well he probably wouldn’t have much opportunity to ogle once Bakugou exploded him into orbit.
But it would probably go well! He had to be confident in his plans. Bakugou respected confidence.

“You got fifteen minutes to make those edits. I’m going to take a leak.”
Kirishima forced images of Bakugou surrounded by falling snow with lips pink from the cold from his mind.
Time to focus.

Bakugou meandered down to the kitchen while Kirishima worked on the essay; his was already done, and he knew it would take longer than fifteen minutes for him to finish up all the corrections scribbled over his paper. Might as well get a snack.
Racoon Eyes, Pikachu, and Invisible Girl were sitting along the breakfast bar, with a legal pad covered in scribbles on it. He couldn’t see what it said - not that he cared - because Pinky kept thudding her head down, wrinkling the paper.
“I don’t know what to do!” she wailed. “What if he thinks it’s totally cliche and doesn’t want anything to do with me?”

Hagakure’s sleeve waived in the air as she patted Ashido’s back.

“Don’t be like that! It’s going to work! He totally thinks you’re cute!”
“Yeah! Confessions aren’t cliche! They’re super romantic! Right, Kacchan?”

“Why the fuck are you asking me? Like I’ve ever done a shitty confession.”

“Give the squad some support! Ashido’s gonna confess to Tetsutetsu at training camp! Well, probably.”
Pikachu looked down at Ashido, who was still face down on the counter. “She’s having some second thoughts.”

“Who the fuck is Tetsutetsu?”
Bakugou wasn’t really following the conversation cause he didn’t care about confessions & he definitely didn’t care about some extra Pinky liked, but he wanted to whip up some ramen for him and Kirishima real fast, so he’d have to deal with it as long as they were in the kitchen.
“You know Tetsutetsu! He’s Kirishima’s bro - you know, with the eyelashes?” Bakugou grunted. Him. Off-brand Shitty Hair.

“I’m not sure I’m going to confess! I mean, I want to, but what if it’s a bad idea? He might not even be straight! This could be super embarrassing!”
“No! It’s going to be romantic! Kaminari, Bakugou, you’d want to be confessed to, right? If someone liked you? Even if you didn’t like them back?”

Kaminari was starry eyed at the thought, probably imagining Jirou confessing to him or something.
He looked like he had short circuited his brain, but Ashido looked slightly encouraged by his response.

“See! Kaminari’d love it! Bakugou, what about you?”

“I don’t want some shitty extra confessing to me. It’d be a waste of time.”
Bakugou flicked the stove on to soft boil some eggs for the ramen, pulling out scallions and leftover chicken to top it with. He’d have to break up some of the noodles smaller for Kirishima; his teeth didn’t do great with the long stringy ones.
Ashido’s face fell again, and Hagakure tried to do some damage control.

“No! Not just anyone! But, like, imagine the scene - it’s sunset and you’re on a romantic walk under the Christmas lights in town, and then they give you a box of mochi and tell you that they’re in love with
you! Imagine if a cute girl said they really liked you and wanted to date and they went to all the trouble of setting it up to be perfect!”

Kirishima bubbled up to fill out the scene in Bakugou’s head instead of any girl, and he blinked rapidly to refocus on his food.
“I’m not interested.”

“This isn’t helping - come on, Ashido, why’d I even ask Bakugou!” And Hagakure’s sleeve tugged Ashido and her legal pad out of the kitchen.

His smaller pot of water was boiling, and Bakugou dropped in the eggs -
Kirishima would want an extra for the protein, and he might as well make another few now for tomorrow’s bentos. He had to be in Hosu at 10, and Kirishima was supposed to take the train down to Osaka after lunch.
The larger pot would take a few minutes before the noodles were ready, but he had plenty of time to shred the carrots and chop the scallions while he waited. He just had to retrieve his good knife from where he had it hidden from everyone else.
“I know you’re like all grr no one talk to me I’m the best, but you really wouldn’t want someone to confess to you, dude? It’s nice to be wanted.”
Bakugou had forgotten all about Pikachu and almost cut himself as he pulled the santoku from its hiding place inside an empty box of raisin bran.

“Why the fuck would I want that? I don’t want someone shitty getting all gooey-eyed over me and I don’t need any distractions.
I’ve got training to do.”

“Even if you don’t want the dating, there’s the sex. It always happens in the dramas, you know, the girl confesses to the tool and they fuck and then he breaks her heart. You’d be the tool, here.”
Bakugou would never use his cooking knife to stab someone, so he set it down before setting off some sparkler-sized explosions in his hand. “DIE!”

Kirishima knew he’d been longer than fifteen minutes on the essay, but Bakugou hadn’t come back to yell at him yet. He read through everything again, checking his clean draft against the red marks that Bakugou had covered his rough draft in, before clicking save.
It was just in time as Bakugou’s stomps came down the corridor. No one else stomped like Bakugou. He’d be awful at stealth.

Bakugou kicked his own door open, arms full of a tray with steaming bowls that he set on the floor between them. “I made too much ramen.”
“Bro, is this for me? Thanks, dude! Itadakimasu!”


Bakugou was such a good cook! Bakugou seemed to be good at everything he tried, though. It was like he had some kind of hidden second quirk - effortless or something.
That wasn’t fair either though, he knew his bro put a lot of effort into getting good. He deserved the credit for it. Speaking of effort -

“Dude, did you break up the noodles for me?” Bakugou didn’t respond, keeping his attention focused on slurping up his noodles,
but that faint pink across his cheeks only appeared when he did something nice and got caught at it. “Thanks, man!”

Kirishima was a sloppy eater, but Bakugou didn’t mind as long as broth and noodles didn’t spill on his carpet. He actually kind of liked watching him eat;
his lips got shiny from the fat in the broth, and Kirishima was always enthusiastic with his praise when Katsuki deserved it - even if it was just ramen. It was weirdly intriguing watching his teeth rip up his food.
Did he have shark teeth all the way back, or just in the front half? He knew some things were hard for Kirishima to chew, but as wide as he smiled, Kirishima didn’t show all his teeth. He probably had some molars, right?
He had seen Kirishima bite wooden pencils and rulers in half when he was thinking. What else could he do with those teeth? How much would it hurt it he -

“Gimme your bowl, and I’ll go wash up! Then we can get this math out of the way, yeah?”

The next two days passed quickly. Bakugou had to put up with IcyHot and the nerd and IcyHot’s asshat of a dad for twelve hours on Thursday, but there were some videos posted of him pulling three teenagers out of the way of a truck that
Kirishima sent him with lots of flexing emojis and exclamation point, and there were five more pictures of Kirishima hamming it up and bowing when he unwrapped the bento Bakugou had made for him. Kirishima didn’t make it home until late Friday night,
but he slipped a hot chili Kit Kat under Bakugou’s door with a note that said “Thanks for the bento!!!!! :D It was super good!!!!” taped to it.
Saturday morning after math and English, class 2A headed to three different gyms to have the quirks they drew set on them.
Kirishima and Bakugou followed Tokoyami, Hagakure, Jirou, and Iida into gym gamma.

Cementoss welcomed them in and asked them to sit on benches at one end of the gym around a folding table. This left a lot of the gym unused - maybe they needed it for the quirk?
Aizawa had said that the quirks weren’t “inherently dangerous,” but what could need this much room? A few moments later, the gym doors open to let in a teenager probably only a year or two older than them with periwinkle hair.
“Ahh, Ayame-san, welcome. Heroes,” -- Cementoss always referred to them as heroes in a group when they were training, it was a real confidence booster -- “this is Ayame Kiko, one of our third years in the business course. She’s here to activate her quirk, Tinkerbell, on you.
Ayame-san, do you have anything to say?”

Ayame gave a slight bow. “Good morning! My quirk is Tinkerbell, & it is not dangerous! It may be difficult to adjust to, though, but you don’t have to worry about it hurting you or them! I just need to touch you briefly to activate it.”
A few hands shot up, but Cementoss headed them off. “I am afraid that Ayame will not be able to give you any more details. This is an exam!”

The second years around the table exchanged looks. What kind of quirk was Tinkerbell? What did she mean, it wouldn’t hurt ‘you or them’?
After a moment of hushed conversation with Cementoss, Ayame went around the group, touching all of their cheeks for a few seconds. When she finished with Iida, she nodded to Cementoss.

“Thank you, Ayame. You can go.”
There were a few minutes of silence before anything happened, each teenager looking around anxiously for the effects of the Tinkerbell quirk to kick in. Hagakure, the first in line and the first for Ayame to touch, started shrieking and yanking at her shirt.
“Agh! What IS that? Something’s in my shirt! Agh!”

The others all swiveled to look. There was a weird lump on Hagakure’s chest, moving around between her boobs as Hagakure struggled with her school tie, yanking it off and unbuttoning the first two buttons -
and the oddest thing Kirishima had ever seen flew out of the opening. It looked like a pair of glittering, iridescent, disembodied wings that fluttered around her, then began fluttering in circles around the group, the heroes in training watching dumbly.
A moment later, Tokoyami grunted and grabbed at his chest, following Hagakure’s example and loosening his tie and the first few buttons of his uniform shirt. This time not just wings emerged -
but a full, tiny, winged version of Tokoyami, complete with birdhead and dark wings, shot with pale yellow eyespots. This one took to the air as well, beating its wings fast to hover a few feet above them.
Kirishima was next, unbuttoning his shirt as his chest started to feel weird. It was kind of like that 7-Up feeling he’d get when his legs went to sleep, and he had to wiggle and shake to get everything working properly again,
but it spread from his sternum, over his chest and down to his stomach before his own fairy double just kind of . . . fell out of his skin. He made to grab for it as it seemed to tumble down toward the floor, but with a buzz like a cicada, it caught itself mid-air -
and flew straight toward Bakugou’s face.

Luckily for Bakugou - or not - he caught the Kirishima fairy just before impact, but it didn’t try to get away. Instead, tiny hands grabbed his own comparably massive finger and thumb pushed itself up,
nuzzling his face into the pad of Bakugou’s thumb, and chirped.

“Hi, Katsuki!”
Down the line, heads turned towards Bakugou and his handful of fairy. The voice was unmistakably Kirishima’s - not squeaky, but just quieter and maybe a little higher coming from a smaller body. Bakugou brought his hand up closer to get a good look.
There was Kirishima’s smile, Kirishima’s red hair, though not spiked, just falling around his shoulders. - The fairy was underdressed, even by Kirishima’s standards, only in a red kilt-skirt thing like Kirishima’s costume and the sleeves, glittery red wings emerging from its back
But all of Kirishima’s muscles were there, the lines on his arms and thighs that Bakugou pretended not to notice while they worked out recreated at 1/12 the size, and Bakugou had to stop his other hand from coming up to run a finger over minuscule abs under his thin layer of fat.
The fairy even had the same perky pink nipples standing out from its tanned chest that Bakugou had always deliberately ignored.

It was harder to ignore the sculpt of your best friend’s body when it was in your hand.

“Holy shit -” This fairy was fucking adorable.
It even had feathery little antennae curling up from red hair. The fairy seemed content for Bakugou to look at it for now, wrapping its arms around his thumb to steady itself as it stood on his palm.
While Bakugou inspected the Kirishima fairy, Jirou giggled like she was being tickled, but she had loosened her shirt beforehand so her tiny doppelganger emerged with no problem, this one fluttering near Jirou before coming to rest on her shoulder.
Bakugou was between Jirou and Iida, and he knew he was about to get some bullshit mini him buzzing around him, but he was too busy holding the Kirishima fairy near his face to pay attention to the cool sensation rippling over his torso.
Kirishima had come over, cupping his hands near his, maybe to take his fairy back, when Bakugou hiccuped and felt the tiny hands and feet scrabble against his chest before whipping out of his always-loose collar.
Fairy Bakugou faceplanted in Kirishima’s cupped hands, ass nearly hanging out of the loose black pants it wore and orange wings fluttering slightly.
“Whoa, dude -”

The fairy pushed itself onto hands and knees, yanking its pants higher, and then launched itself up at Kirishima’s face.
Bakugou stopped paying attention to his handful, and watched as the little him put its feet firmly on Kirishima’s collarbones and stuck its head and arm in Kirishima’s open mouth.
Bakugou’s voice - but smaller, just as Kirishima’s fairy had sounded- echoed a bit as he stuck head and shoulders past Kirishima’s lips. “Don’t chomp me, Ei, I want to see your teeth!”
Kirishima’s face was bright red as he stood, frozen with his hands up by his face and a mouth half full of fairy. “Holy fucking shit, they’re sharp all the way back!”

Fucking little fairy! He had wanted to find that out for himself!
Bakugou’s left hand reached out and yanked his double away from Kirishima.

“Fucking OUCH.” His copy glared up at him, holding a scraped arm.

“Oh, dude, did he get hurt?”

“It just dived into your bear trap of a mouth, shitty hair, it’s fine and obviously dumb as fuck.”

Cementoss’s face rippled weirdly when he smiled but now that everyone’s fairy seemed to have emerged, he had a little more business to take care of. Iida’s must have come out while Bakugou was distracted, because it was standing, arms akimbo, on Cementoss’s head.
“Now that you have all seen the effects of the Tinkerbell quirk, some reminders. You are responsible for the effects of the quirk on your person and those around you - that includes the behaviors and actions of your double as long as they are around.
This is not, however, a flour sack baby situation. You are not responsible for keeping the fairy around you at all times - but you will be responsible for what it does even if you aren’t around. Now, the gym is signed out to you for the next hour to get used to this.
Are there any questions?”

Jirou raised her hand. “Uh - sensei - what do they do?” Her fairy was still standing on her shoulder with a fist full of her hair to keep it balanced, looking around carefully.

Cementoss shook his head.
“Remember, the scenario is that you have been hit with a mystery quirk that will be around for some time. You must all use the resources available to you to deal with it. We’ve already been pretty generous with information. I have complete faith in your ability to handle this.”
Hagakure went off trying to chase the pair of wings that was her fairy, while Iida collected his from Cementoss and appeared to be trying to talk to it. Tokoyami and his fairy were already at the far end of the gym,
with Dark Shadow popping up from under Tokoyami’s collar to take a closer look. Jirou’s fairy was spinning around on the table, and Cementoss appeared to be trying not to laugh.
“Here.” Bakugou thrust the hand holding the Kirishima fairy back toward his friend, ignoring the way it had started nomming on his thumb, tiny scrapes making him shiver.

“Thanks, dude, I’ll take him now -”
“What! No! Stop! Let go!” The Kirishima fairy did not seem to want to leave Bakugou’s hand, clinging tightly to his fingers even as Kirishima’s massive hand curled around him. He bit down hard as he was pulled away, making Bakugou curse and Kirishima lose his grip.
Before either of them could react, the Kirishima fairy zipped up and away, out of the gym windows.

Kirishima’s whole body slumped. “I guess I better go find him. I’ll see you after lunch for our spar, okay?”

“Yeah, fine.”
Bakugou scooped up his school bag and shoved his double inside of it. The stupid thing had been muttering under its breath and cursing since he got a hold of it again, aside from an ugly, sqwauking laugh when Bakugou was bitten.
He ignored the insults hurled up at him as he zipped up the bag.

“See you later.” And Bakugou headed back towards the dorms.

From inside the stupid fucking bag, Katsuki was being tumbled and turned and he was not a fan of it, especially after his left wing got pinched between a planner and a pencil case. Climbing up and over all the shit in the bag wasn’t easy
- what the fuck was all this even for, why would you need this shit - but he made it to the zipper, and, pulling hard and pushing his feet against the math textbook, succeeded in yanking it open an inch or two - enough for him to squirm out.

Time to find Eijirou.
đŸȘ„ End Chapter OneđŸȘ„
Link to the Top https://twitter.com/Good_Salt_Witch/status/1384935816334651392
If there was anything worse than having a teeny-tiny fairy double of himself around that could apparently fucking dissapear - he swore he had stuffed the thing in the bottom of his bag, where the fuck did it go -
it was having his fucking classmates squeal over how cute the fairies were. Headphones made it back to the dorms first, and was cornered by the girls from the other groups, eager to know what their group had gotten.

“It’s called ‘Tinkerbell,’ and, well, take a look.”
Headphones unzipped her jacket pocket to allow her fairy out, carefully setting it down on the table. Racoon Eyes almost shattered the glass with her squeal as the fairy picked herself up and smoothed out her hair.

“AAAA, Jirou, she’s so CUTE!”
“You can call me Kyoka!” the little thing piped up.

All the girls flew from the couches to kneel around the table, and Bakugou pretended not to be interested in how they would react to this obviously very embarrassing quirk that Bakugou did not want to have to deal with.
Round Face’s eyes got even rounder. “Ohmyg-d you are adorable! Do you have Jirou-chan’s quirk?”

“Quirk?” The fairy tilted her tiny head to the side in puzzlement.

“Do you have powers, kero?”

“I, uh - “ Jirou looked uncomfortable,
but she was the one who showed them all the stupid fairy, so she could deal with it - “I don’t think so. She doesn’t have jacks, she just has like, antennae? Where my jacks are?”

“I can fly! And I can dance! I’m pretty good at singing!”
Racoon Eyes started clapping her hands together in excitement.
“Oh! Sing something for us!!

“What should I sing?” The fairy was hopping around the table, just as excited as Pinky. .

“Anything you want!” Headphones didn’t look too happy about this development,
but before she could stop anything, her fairy broke out into one of Yaosobi’s hits, dancing with her arms spread wide, spinning around on the table, and going “bu-duh-duh” for the instrumental parts.
Jirou looked about ready to melt into the floor as the girls whipped out their phones to take video and pictures, and Bakugou turned to go upstairs. He didn’t need to see this.
When Bakugou finally made it up to his floor, there was still no Kirishima or fairy-Bakugou in sight, which was just fine by him. He had to draw up his study schedules for his paper midterms and work around his days with Endeavor -
and shit, Kirishima was going to be in Osaka when he was in Hosu, he was going to have to find extra time to help him study.

Might as well make two study schedules while he was at it.

Arriving at his door, Katsuki noticed that the carpet around his door was disturbed.
Squatting down, he saw some scratch marks in the paint on the door jamb and at the bottom of the door - as if someone had shoved something into his room.

If this was one of the hag’s shitty dramas, it would definitely be a confession letter and some chocolates.
It was more likely to be either a prank, or Kirishima attempting to return one of his manga - but then he hadn’t seen Kirishima since he took off from gym gamma, and he had just gotten his chili KitKats a day ago.

Probably someone trying to prank him.
Didn’t matter. When he found out who it was, he’d kill them.
Katsuki opened the door, expecting some kind of loud noise or a wall of tape or a stink bomb, but nothing happened. His room seemed undisturbed. Maybe Rockface’s bunny had gotten out and scraped at his door or something
Dropping his bag by his desk, he started changing out of his uniform - blazer hung up, loafers under the bed. As he unbuttoned his shirt, he could have sworn he heard a weird little squeak. Was there a rat in his dorm room or something?
A minute passed in silence; maybe he did need to get his hearing checked. He chucked his uniform shirt in the hamper and moved to undo his belt, and he heard it again - maybe less of a squeak then a grunt. It was coming from his hamper -
ugh, there couldn’t be a rat in his clothes, could there? Gross.

As much as he did not want to see a rat in his hamper, he also didn’t want weird mystery squeaks bothering him during his study hour and nap before it was time to meet Kirishima at the gym.
He picked up one of the heavier textbooks - applied chemistry - and raised it high, while lifting the school shirt he had just tossed in.

There was not a rat in his laundry.

It was the Kirishima fairy, wrapped in his dirty boxer briefs like a burrito.

“What the FUCK!”
“Katsuki! I was waiting for you!” The fairy grinned wide, a perfect miniaturization of Kirishima’s 100 megawatt smile.

“Why the hell are you in my UNDERWEAR?”

The fairy snuggled deeper in, looking ever more pleased with himself.
“You were taking too long so I was gonna’ take a nap, yeah? But the bed is way too big! And it didn’t smell like you! But this does!”

“Fucking gross, get outta there, you little pervert!” Katsuki made to snatch up the fairy and his underwear all in one go,
but the little thing was too fast. It zipped out of his hamper and up to his desk before Katsuki could grab him, leaving Katsuki with a handful of dirty laundry. Katsuki dropped his underwear and dived for the little pest, but unlike the real version, this thing was nimble.
Its wings started up and buzzed right past Katsuki to hide under the bed.

“G-d fucking damn it.”

Dropping to his knees, Katsuki started reaching around under the bed. Not that he could see anything, and the fairy could move,
but he wanted that thing OUT so he could move on with his day.

It took twenty minutes before he gave up. The little thing was too good at hiding. Fuck this. Who cares if the Tiny Shitty Hair saw him change anyway. What was it going to do, report back to Kirishima?


Kirishima was having his own set of problems. When his little fairy zipped away, he had done his best to go after it - him? Did fairies have pronouns? He/him, probably - but he was really fast! He was an endurance guy, not a speed guy.
After jogging round the gyms and checking the cafeteria, he gave up and trudged back to his dorm.

He had gotten quirked less than an hour ago, and he already lost his fairy.

He was so going to fail this test.

Bakugou’s door was closed,
and they had a few hours before they were supposed to meet up for training. Kirishima wasn’t going to bother him now to help him look for his fairy. He’d just take a nap, or maybe do some homework. He didn’t have to be in Osaka until tomorrow morning,
so he could probably get a lot of the research on quirk legislation done today if he focused.

Thunking his head against his bedroom door, he just stood for a minute and counted to ten. It was too early to freak out about this exam.
He had two weeks, six days, and eleven hours to find his fairy and turn this around.

Besides, if the fairy was like him, he was probably just chilling somewhere and talking to people, or sleeping and thinking about Bakugou or something. He’d turn up.

He pulled his bag back up to his shoulder and unlocked the door.
Time to get to work.

“What took you so fucking long, shitty hair?”

Kirishima dropped his bag.
Bakugou’s fairy was lounging on his pillow, tiny fairy ass two-thirds to three-quarters out of his ill-fitting tiny fairy sweatpants, the manga Kirishima had been reading open in front of him.
When he went to turn the page, the Bakugou-fairy had to sit up on its knees and use both hands to flip the page over.


But also, why was Bakugou’s fairy in his room?

“Bakugou - er, Fairy Bakugou - what’re-”



“My name’s Katsuki, shitty hair.”
The fairy stood on his pillow with his hands on his hips, bottom lip jutting out in what he probably thought was a menacing scowl. Full-sized Bakugou did that too, but Kirishima just thought it was endearing.
“I don’t know if that - I mean - is that okay?”

“I told you to, didn’t I? I never say things I don’t mean, fuck. Wait, what the hell are you doing?” He started to shout as Kirishima scooped him up from the pillow, holding him up at face level in cupped hands.
“Uh - I was going to take you back to Bakugou? Cause, you’re part of our exam, and he should probably know where you are.”

“Fuck that, I’m staying here!”

“You can’t stay in here! Bakugou’s grade depends on how you act, and all. He’ll lose points if you make trouble.”
“I’m not fucking leaving! I don’t care about his stupid test.” The Bakugou fairy sat down in Kirishima’s hand and crossed his arms across his chest. Kirishima could feel the smooth fairy skin against his fingers, and wondered, briefly, if Bakugou’s skin was as soft.
“Look, man -”

“Katsuki! Stop calling me man!”

“Katsuki, you have to -”

“I’m not going anywhere, asshole! I am staying right here!”

Fairy Bakugou was pouting. Kirishima was going to explode from adorable.
“Okay - look, he’s probably studying, so you can stay with me until we meet up to go to the gym, okay? But I’m supposed to take care of the fairy me-”

Fairy Bakugou didn’t seem to be listening, because as soon as Kirishima said “stay with me” he jolted up,
started his wings with a buzz, and moved up to Kirishima’s shoulder. Kirishima couldn’t turn his head to see the fairy, but he felt his breath against his face.

“I knew you’d see it my way,” he growled into Kirishima’s ear before twisting tiny handfuls of red hair and climbing
up Kirishima’s spikes to settle on the top of his head. “What are we doing now?”

“Uh - I was going to do homework before lunch. Do you - I dunno, do you want me to put on a movie for you or something?”

“I’m fine up here. Do your homework. I’ll be patient.”
“Are - are you going to just sit in my hair? You can sit on the bed, again, or I can find you a book to sit on or something.”

“Just do your homework so we can do something else!”

Eijirou - not original flavor Eijirou, but he thought of himself as Eijirou - had managed to stay quiet and unobtrusive for twenty minutes after Katsuki had given up looking for him,
which was pretty good considering the love of his life was sitting there looking cute while studying and also just a bit ago Eijirou had been wrapped up in Katsuki’s underwear that definitely smelled like him and also had definitely touched his junk!
It was like an indirect kiss with penises.

Oh, but he had been wearing his little kilt, so maybe it wasn’t?
But his kilt touched his own junk, and then the kilt had touched Katsuki’s underwear, and Katsuki’s underwear had touched Katsuki’s junk, so it was like an indirect-indirect kiss! With penises.

That was definitely how it worked.
Really, Katsuki should be proud of him for being good and quiet this long, even if he had studying to do. Eijirou knew, vaguely, that there were tests Katsuki and other-Eijirou had to prepare for, and their grades were important for heroing!

But studying was boring.
Eijirou snuck out from under the bed. Well, he thought he snuck. What he really did was exaggeratedly tiptoe from under Katsuki’s bed, across the open floor, and to the base of Katsuki’s desk, like the act of tiptoeing would keep him from being spotted.
Once he reached the desk, he wasn’t sure what to do. He could fly up and sit on the desk, but Katsuki would probably notice him that way. He just had to stay out of his line of sight, and then he could spend time with him and
Katsuki could study and everyone would get what they wanted!

Kirishima tried to fly -quietly- and land on Katsuki’s thigh.
He was very pleased with himself for his stealthy landing until the leg under him moved when Katsuki shoved back from his desk and stared down into his lap at the fairy sitting on his sweatpants.

“What the hell are you doing? Why the fuck are you on my leg? I thought you left!"
“Why would I leave? I told you I wanted to spend time with you”

Katsuki went red across his face. Was he too warm? Should Eijirou try to open the door to the balcony? Would he be strong enough to push it open?
His train of thought was interrupted when Katsuki grabbed him, making Eijirou squawk and kick. “Put me down! Katsuki! Put me down!”

He landed on his little fairy ass when Katsuki dropped him, his legs bouncing up as he ended up in a sprawl with his wings under him
and his kilt around his waist. He pushed himself up by his elbows, trying to sit up, when Katsuki’s big fingers came back down, keeping him still while his other hand came up to tug his kilt down.

“Just - look, if you want to fucking stay in my room, what the fuck ever, but I’m studying. So shut up and sit still, or go find yourself some fairy underpants. You can’t go around flashing people like that.”

Katsuki’s face was even more red, maybe he needed water?
“I wouldn’t have flashed you if you hadn’t picked me up!” he pouted.

“Stay out of my fucking lap so I don’t have to pick you up!”

“But -”

“If you talk again before I’m done I’m going to put you in the desk drawer until Kirishima shows up. Be quiet.”
Hrmph. Eijirou crossed his arms across his spread knees and pouted. He pouted quietly, though, because he didn’t want Katsuki to be mad at him.
Katsuki was getting impatient. He was sitting in Eijirou’s hair, enjoying the smell of conditioner and sweat. That had been fine for the first ten minutes. After that Katsuki started shifting, trying to get more comfortable in the spikes,
until Eijirou reached up and tried to move him.

“That tickles! Cut it out!”

“Stop trying to grab me!” He swatted at Eijirou’s tree-limb sized fingers until he withdrew. “Fucking fine, I’ll sit still until you finish the damned homework.”

Katsuki was trying to be good.
He really was, but when Ei said ‘homework’, he thought it was going to be a worksheet or some reading. But no, he had a stack of index cards that he was filling out in different colored pens as he visited different websites, and it had been approximately a million years since
Eijirou started, and Katsuki wanted to spend some time hanging out with Eiji, not just watching him fill out stupid cards in the laptop screen’s reflection. Like the cards were so great.

Even if he looked really good when he was thinking hard with his eyebrows coming together.
And even if he chewed on his pen a lot, and stuck his tongue out a lot, and now Katsuki was thinking about earlier when he had seen all those teeth in Ei’s mouth.

And his tongue.

Enough of this shit!

Katsuki was at the end of his patience.
He’d only really existed for about two hours, and he only really got to touch Eijirou for two minutes in that time, and this could not continue.

“How much longer is this going to take?”
He climbed between the hair horns on Kirishima’s forehead and dangled down so his head and wings were in front of Kirishima’s eyes. Kirishima went cross-eyed trying to look at him.

“Dude -”

“-Fine, Katsuki, I’m sorry you’re bored or whatever, but I have to get this research done, yeah? You - er, other you - spends a lot of time helping me keep my grades up, so it’d be unmanly if I just slacked off.”

“Well, when the fuck are you going to be done? It’s been hours!”
“It’s been 20 minutes!”

“Well you have a ton of those stupid fucking cards, isn’t that enough?”

“No! This is part of my exam grade! And I’m stressed enough about it without you OR big you yelling at me about it!”

“I’m not fucking yelling at you!”
“Just /please/ be quiet, ma- Katsuki. You can do whatever you want in here as long as you’re quiet so I can finish this before gym time.”

“Fucking fine.”

And Katsuki flipped himself back up and buzzed to the other side of the room to sulk.
At least, he was going to sulk before he reviewed what Shitty Hair had said.

He could do whatever he wanted in here, as long as he was quiet.

And what he wanted was Ei’s attention.

He could work with quiet.

“Kaaaaaaatsuki,” fairy Kirishima whined. “I’m booooooooored.”

Bakugou pinched his nose and huffed. “Give it a fucking rest, Mighty Mouse, I’ve got work to do so I can help the real you pass his exams.”

“Hey! I’m real!”

“Original you, whatever. Pipe the fuck down.”
Forty five seconds passed before the whining started again: “But I’m booooooooooooooored.”

“I will put you in this desk drawer if you don’t shut the hell up.”

Another thirty seconds passed.

“Katsuki, when are you going to be done? I’m -”
“Juicy Crust, Shitty Hair! If you say you’re bored one more time I’m going to explode your tiny fairy ass into the sun.”

Twenty seconds passed. Bakugou saw the fairy chewing its lip over and over with shark teeth just like Kirishima’s before it’s face brightened into a smile.
Apparently it had found a loophole.

“Katsuki! I want to do something that’s not homework!!”

Bakugou slammed down his pencil and shut his book with a bang. “Then go the fuck away! I’ve got stuff to do.”

“But I want to do something with /you/.”

“Shut. Up.”
Bakugou shoved his now finished homework back into his bag, but before he could even move, the fairy started up again.
“Can we do something /now/? I’ve been sitting here for /ages/.”
“Well, I’m taking a nap cause I’m tired as fuck and you’re somehow more annoying that the original, so you’re shit out of luck. Leave or go to sleep”
When he moved toward his bed, fairy Kirishima buzzed past him to land on his pillow before he even reached the bed and pulled at the corner of his sheet to cover up.

“Okay! We can take a nap!”

Bakugou let off a small detonation as he sat down,
but the fairy didn’t react at all to it, just tucked itself into his sheet corner and snuggled in, smiling at him. Kirishima - big Kirishima, fuck whatever, /his/ Kirishima had slept over a few times. Not often. Only when one of them had a bad night.
And Bakugou always ended up having to roll out of bed earlier than usual to hide his morning wood. Which wasn’t anything weird, it was just a fucking system check or whatever,
but it was kind of off putting to wake up to your best friend snoring loud enough to make the bed rumble and then realize you’re dick was hard enough to cut diamond.

“What the hell! I’m taking a nap, get out of my bed, you little freak.”

The fairy turned sad eyes on him.
“You’re gonna kick me out of bed?”

Why did he have to say it like that?

“That’s not wha - you know what, fucking fine, whatever, just go to sleep and leave me be.”

Bakugou collapsed back onto his bed, making the fairy bounce up off his pillow, and threw an arm over his eyes.
He needed all the rest he could get between work studies and exam prep. If the runt kept him awake he really was going to blow it into the sun.

Thankfully, it seemed to be quieting down. He heard it shifting a little, and humming that stupid pop song that Kirishima loved.
The sound came closer, until he realized that the fairy had curled up right under his ear. The humming kept up, and before long, Bakugou had drifted off.

He didn’t end up sleeping long.

He knew at some point he woke with a start when he felt a tickling sensation.
He scratched his stomach, stretched, rucked his tank up over his head, and was out again almost immediately.

He probably had a few half formed dreams before he was woken up by a “thud” somewhere else in the dorms.
The dream was dumb, something about Kirishima and his stupid shitty sharp teeth, and he knew he was going to have to deal with his stupid fucking erection, like he had time for that with training later and work study tomorrow,
and then he also realized that his dick felt very warm and he wasn’t touching it.

Pushing himself up on his elbows, Bakugou looked down.

The Kirishima fairy was fucking /cuddling/ with his dick, arms wrapped around it and face pressed against the reddened head.
He always wore his pants loose, and apparently they were loose enough that they had slid down his hips. His boxer briefs weren't loose though - did the fairy pull his underwear down?

“Fuck,” he hissed as he watched the fairy started pressing kisses to the head of his dick.
They were so /small/, so barely there, but it was enough to get him interested. The fairy’s hair was soft, and each kiss felt featherlight. The wings fluttering against his Adonis belt tickled, and that somehow made it better.

The fairy didn’t seem to notice that he had awakened
He was still humming that song that Kirishima loved as he snuggled closer, rubbing his cheek against the head of Bakugo’s dick like a cat scent marking. Bakugou’s eyes were locked on the scene.

Kirishima was . . . important to him.
He knew that, he had known that for a while, even if he couldn’t come out and say it, and . . .

Was this wrong? Was the fairy doing what Kirishima wanted to do? Was he doing what Bakugou wanted him to do?
He stopped puzzling over the morals of the situation as soon as fairy Kirishima shifted and pulled himself onto Bakugou’s dick. He wasn’t quite heavy enough to keep his cock flush to his stomach, so he looked like he was riding a mechanical bull,
knees squeezing around the vein that went from base to tip, tiny fingers rubbing over the frenulum. His touches were so light, but /fuck/.

Looking down, mouth dry, Bakugou could see that the fairy’s kilt had been rucked up against his hips,
and Eijirou was rutting his tiny dick against the massive one he was riding. When Bakugou held his breath, he could even hear tiny chirps as the fairy ground down.

“You’re dick is really big, Katsuki! And it's pretty, look how pink you are! It smells good, too!
Better than your undies!”

Fuck that /smile/ was Kirishima’s smile, the idea of Kirishima - real Kirishima - complimenting his dick, with the visuals of an enthusiastic Kirishima cuddling on his cock made him twitch.

Fairy Kirishima fell forward and wrapped his arms back around Bakugou, squeezing tightly so he wouldn’t fall. This put his face level with Bakugou’s tip, and Bakugou watched in fascination as the fairy scooped up a drop of pre from his slit and began licking it off his palms.
“It’s salty!”

He sounded so amazed, so shocked - fucking hell, Bakugou could not take this, but how was he supposed to stop it, /fuck/. He threw his arm back over his eyes so he wouldn’t watch the fairy eat sticky handfuls off his dick, but he couldn’t look away for long.
The barely-there touches stopped after a minute, and the chirping resumed, along with a soft /schlick-schlick-schlick/sound. Bakugou peaked out from under his arm to see that fairy-Kirishima had wrapped his hands around his own little dick,
and, /fuck/, was he jerking himself with Bakugou’s pre-come? /FUCK./

“Katsuki! You feel /good/.” He was rutting hard, dragging his cock up and down against Bakugou, hands and cock shiny with Bakugou’s pre, making those little chirps and digging his teeth into his bottom lip.
Holy shit, that was probably the same face that Kirishima made when he came; Bakugou was going to have this seared into his mind forever.

The fairy came with a yelp, splattering just a few drops over Bakugou’s dick, and over balanced, falling to Bakugou’s thigh
and breathing heavily, but Bakugou wasn’t watching him any more. He could not take this - Kirishima had just - okay, mini-Kirishima - had just come from humping his dick.
Bakugou groaned as he reached down to fist himself - he couldn’t wait to dig out his lube, he was already too keyed up - but he felt the fairy’s sticky spend mixed with the dribbles of pre from his own dick, and his balls already felt tight, fuck, fuck, /fuck/.
He grabbed his balls in one hand and tugged lightly, twisting his other frantically over the head of his cock, thumb working desperately against the slit and just under the head. It only took a moment before he gasped and came all over his stomach.

“Wow! You came so much!”
Bakugou let his head hit the pillow, panting for air, and closed his eyes. He should clean up before his cum dried, but he just needed a minute. He’d let the fairy be amazed at the glob of jizz on his abs if it wanted.
Then he felt fairy feet move from his thigh, across his hip, to his stomach, and looked back down. The Kirishima-fairy was licking one of his palms, coated in Bakugou’s cum, and already rutting into his other hand, slick with Bakugou’s semen,
and he smiled Kirishima’s smile up at Bakugou.

“Can we go again?”

Bakugou dropped his head back down and shut his eyes.

He’d clean up later.

Kirishima finished his 45th note card, which he thought was pretty good for an hour’s worth of work! He packed everything up neatly, because if he couldn’t find the notes he needed when he needed them his papers ended up getting scorched by a frustrated tutor,
then closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling.

He still had some time before the gym and lunch - maybe he should go find his fairy.

Or he could use some stress relief? The idea was tempting - sometimes it was hard just to get a half hour to himself
And - well, it was usually a good idea to get off before he went to fight Bakugou, just to avoid any embarrassment. Kirishima palmed his dick, already perking up at the thought of Bakugou.

He was so utterly, totally gone on Bakugou. Yeah, he could be kind of an asshole,
but he was also determined, strong, passionate, hot, manly, had really nice looking lips, and his waist was ridiculously tiny -

Wait, where had the Katsuki fairy gone?

Jerking up from the chair and letting it clatter to the floor, Kirishima spun around to look for the fairy.
He had told him to be quiet, and he had been, but where had he gone, oh fuck, what if he lost Bakugou’s fairy and -

There he was! On the bed, okay.


“What, Ei?”

“What happened to your pants?”

“They were fucking gross! I took ‘em off.”
Katsuki was sitting on Kirishima’s pillow, gross pants off to the side, and he was jerking off. Which was why his pants had gotten gross. So now he was jerking off on Kirishima’s pillow.
There wasn’t a lot spattered on his pillow, but there was enough that Kirishima could tell the fairy had been at it for a while, and Kirishima almost tripped over his feet as he rushed across the room, yanking his stained pillow from under the fairy and
sending him toppling onto the bed with an angry shout.

“What the hell! You - you can’t jack off on my pillow!”

“Why not?” Katsuki picked himself, shooting a scowl up toward Kirishima.
Kirishima tried to avoid looking at the naked fairy and the pink, miniscule prick bobbing between his thighs - was that what Bakugou’s really looked like? No! Wrong train of thought! It didn’t matter!
He couldn’t get distracted by naked fairies, even if he did look exactly like Bakugou.

“Because it’s my pillow!”

“You said I could do whatever the fuck I wanted as long as I was quiet!

“Yeah, but not jerking off on my pillow! I sleep on that!”
“You /said/ I could do whatever I wanted! And I even asked you to do something else so I was fucking polite and everything and I know you don’t really mind cause your dick’s gonna poke me in the face!”

Kirishima yanked the hem of his shirt down,
but Katsuki flew straight at his pants and grabbed the zipper, trying to pull it down.

“Hey!” Katsuki dodged as Kirishima tried to grab him, then, because he was stupidly fast, went under Kirishima’s shirt and shimmied down into his boxers.

Kirishima ripped his pants off fast,
and fumbled out of his boxers, only to trip and land with a thud on the floor, legs splayed out and his cock standing at attention. Why was he hard, he should be angry, not horny, but Katsuki was hovering in front of him, with a look of devilish glee on his face,
and /that/ was a face that Kirishima was used to reacting to. Kirishima noticed, for the first time, the two little dandelion-puffs of his antennae moving in the slight breeze from his wings, before he realized the fairy was fisting his little cock again
and looking down at Kirishima’s.

“Fuck, I knew you’d be hung like a horse, shitty hair!” He dropped down to hover over the carpet before stepping onto Kirishima’s dick, making himself comfortable by leaning into the black curls there, arms crossed behind his head.
Kirishima was still frozen in place. Was he dreaming? He probably dreamt this whole fairy thing, there was no way Bakugou - any Bakugou, regular sized or miniature - had spent time thinking about his dick.

“Come on! Don’t you want to get off?”

“Idiot. I’ll help you, it’s fine.”

Katsuki climbed off of Kirishima, fisted his dick a few more times, and curled himself around the hot red head of Kirishima’s cock, where a small bubble of pre-come had formed at the tip.

“Betcha I’m going to be your first, Ei!”
The fairy lined himself up with Kirishima’s slit, and started fucking into him.

This was definitely a dream. The look on Katsuki’s face, the definition of every tiny muscle, the fact that Katsuki had basically dive bombed to get into his pants - it had to be a dream.
So it was okay if he got off.

Kirishima wrapped fingers and thumb around the base of his dick and fumbled under the mattress for the lube hidden there. He popped the cap open with his teeth and slicked up his fingers before thrusting into his fist and against the fairy.
His movements knocked Katsuki off, but he jumped right back up to grab Kirishima’s dick again, thrusting back and doing his best to grip onto the slippery ridge at the head of the cock as big as he was.
He would look blissed out, except every time he opened his eyes, he looked like he was challenging Kirishima, and Kirishima was weak for it.

Katsuki came first with a grunt, only enough to splatter over Kirishima’s tip,
and fell back on his ass just as Kirishima had a few minutes before. He looked pleased as he watched Kirishima chew his bottom lip and rock into his own fist.
“I bet you come like a fuckin’ horse, too, Ei, with a dick like that. I’m going to get your balls next, rub out even more cum, bet you’d love to come all ov-”

Kirishima’s groan cut him off, and Katsuki was covered in his cum, antennae, torso, wings, all of it.
He stuck his tongue out to lick some off his face, and started tugging his dick again.

“I was fuckin’ right.”

Kirishima just watched, feeling shell shocked, as the fairy copy of his best friend, covered in come, crawled between his legs and started grinding against his balls.
Was this the whole quirk? Did Tinkerbell just make horny little doubles?

There was no way he was going to pass this exam.

By the time their gym reservation rolled around, Kirishima and Bakugou had both wiped themselves and their fairy temptors clean. Normally they walked to the gym together, but Kirishima wasn’t in his room when Bakugou knocked.
The Kirishima-fairy was riding on Bakugou’s shoulder, looking around and jabbering on about anything he saw.

Bakugou ran into Glasses and Round Face on the way to the gym. Well, Round Face charged up to him with Glasses following behind.
“Bakugou! Do you have Bakufly? I want to see him!”

“What the hell is a Bakufly?”

Ochako leaned in when she saw the fairy on his shoulder. “Oh, you have the Kirifly!”

“What the fuck is a Kirifly?”

Glasses spoke up.
“Ochako and Momo started calling the fairy doubles Jiroufly and Iidafly, instead of just saying ‘Fairy Iida’.”

“Yeah, it felt weird to call them Kyoka and Tenya, right? This way we can figure out who we’re talking to. Why do you have Kirifly?”
“I wanted to spend time with Katsuki! He’s the best! We did homework and played hide-and-seek and took a nap and then Katsuki got har-”

Bakugou grabbed at the fairy, causing him to tip backwards and fly up, out of the reach of Bakugou’s angry hands.
“The little pest just won’t fucking leave me alone. Whatever.”

“I think it’s admirable that your best friend wants to stick with you even as -”

“What the fuck ever, Glasses. I’ve got somewhere to be.”
Bakugou shoulder checked his way between Iida and Ochako and stomped toward the gym, Kirifly chasing after him.

When he reached the gym and saw Kirishima, full sized Kirishima, who he had just thought about and got off to, and seen his O-face -
well, Bakugou wasn’t built for this kind of thing. He just turned bright red and set off a small explosion against Kirishima’s smiling, red face. “Let’s do this, Shitty Hair, we already lost time cause I had to look for you.”

“Yeah, dude! No problem!”
Each of them dropped into a stance for a no-quirk sparring session, and Bakufly and Kirifly sat on the weights to watch.


After a few minutes of watching their full sized counterparts grapple, Kirifly dragged his eyes away from Bakugou’s sweaty shoulders to look at Bakufly.
“How’d it go?”

Bakufly just grinned at him with narrowed eyes, and Kirifly clapped in excitement.

“This is going to be great!”

They shared a tiny fistbump as Kirishima swept Bakugou’s legs out from under him and the gym filled with cursing.

đŸȘ„End Chapter TwođŸȘ„
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