Hi, new trans followers! I go by Ramona, Mona, and/or Johnnie. I'm a transfem non-binary person who uses she/her pronouns. I've been playing around w/different forms of gender expression lately, & my bottom surgery is May 10. Most of my tweets are movies/music/sports/selfies. :)
Been on HRT since 2012, & out as trans since December 2013. I've gone from thinking I was a binary trans woman who didn't "need surgery" to a enby who is about to get her zero-depth vaginoplasty done next month. I also present "boyishly" sometimes - which often includes a binder.
What else? Hmm. I'm polyam, and right now I have a partner in Lexington and a partner near Indianapolis. I've lived in Columbus for 17 of the last 22 years, but I grew up 4 hours southeast of Seattle and went to college 90 minutes north - I love Cbus but I visit WA frequently.
One of the things I kept from growing up in Washington state was my rabid obsession with my beloved Seattle Seahawks. You may need to mute me during the NFL season, at least during Seahawks games. I was also a college radio DJ in the 90s at KUGS-FM on the campus of Western WA U
I worked alongside/went to school with two members of Death Cab For Cutie, which was neat. I'm still very into music - listening to it. I don't know music theory, I can't sing or play an instrument. But I sure am a hipster dork about indie rock!
I have two amazing kids who live with their Mom a couple of hours away - I get to see them a couple weekends a month.
Faves! Lightning Round!
Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Band: @radiohead
TV Show: @TheAmericansFX
Food: Japanese Beef Curry Rice
Beverage: Coke Zero
Ghibli Film: My Neighbor Totoro
Book: Whipping Girl by Julia Serano
YouTuber: @FoldableHuman
Podcast: @blankcheckpod
I also am starting to think I fall somewhere on the ace spectrum, but that might be situational? I'm holding off on claiming that label until after I fully recover from surgery and have a better idea of the permanence of my possible ace-ness.
One thing that I THINK I've figured out is that I'm very comfortable being out as trans and queer, and I hope that's how other people read me. Even when I'm presenting "boyishly" I'm not aiming for people to assume that I'm a cis guy. Nope Nope Nope.
Oh! Mental health stuff. I've battled depression but transitioning helped a ton with that. I still really struggle with anxiety, and I'm treating that with talk therapy and medication. Recently diagnosed as also having ADHD. Trying EMDR this summer to deal with unprocessed trauma
I feel like I've evolved from being a total extrovert to a pretty big introvert? I think part of that can be pinned on the pandemic, but also I think a big part of it is that I used to always want to be around people because I didn't want to be alone with myself & my thoughts.
Now, I feel much better just having time with myself, because I've gotten to the point where I actually like myself and feel like I'm, on balance, a good person who is trying her best. So I think this is mostly a positive change?
I'm horribly vain. I spend too much time/effort on my hair, on skin care, on taking a krillion selfies. I love nothing more than when people think I'm much younger than I actually am. It's shallow, but it's also honest. And I can't always rely on getting affirmation from others.
I am SUPER obsessed with movies, and now that I'm fully vaccinated I can't wait to go back to seeing things in the theater. I already have my ticket to see Scott Pilgrim vs The World on May 3. (Also, guess where I got my name)
I'm also eager to get back to going to concerts - I am hopefully going to get to go to the rescheduled Sleater-Kinney & Wilco show in Chicago in August, and also catch Japanese Breakfast and Adult Mom (among others) in Columbus this fall.
I've gotten way into keeping fit since I got my Fitbit 2 years ago - Which is great bc I need to lose weight before my ZDV. I like to keep it low-impact and low-intensity so I just walk - A LOT. I like being outside but also like being able to listen to music & be on my Pixel.
I also love coffee and I miss being able to spend a ton of time in coffee shops. I love local spots like Staufs, Cup O Joe, The Roosevelt, etc... But I'm also not above Starbucks, either. I probably average two iced coffees a day?
I also probably spend too much time at Columbus' big shopping areas (Polaris and Easton), and at Target... and at IKEA. I tend to create routines and stick to the ones I like - ones that are comforting and familiar.
Buuuuut I'm also more open to new things and new experiences since I transitioned, which needed to happen, tbh. I also tend to nerd out about Columbus, so if you are ever here I'm happy to blather about what is fun to do here in Central Ohio.
This thread turned into a... thing. I'll stop here for now and say that I'm trying to make a better, more focused effort at creating new connections/friendships/relationships. So, if you are trans and/or queer, don't be afraid to say hello. Or ask questions. :) I'm always around.
You can follow @oceans_of_mona.
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