When are we going to confront the reality that countless “Left” media personalities are directly and indirectly complicit in perpetuating the narrative that there is no way out, simply by critiquing *what is*, without exploring (in very practical, accessible terms) *what can be*?
One of the most insidious elements of this phenomenon is that it is actually driven by the logics of these social media platforms most of us use to communicate.

Talking heads channel our righteous rage into low-hanging-fruit “takes” instead of informational seeds for liberation.
“Organize locally,” “join a union,” and “make sure to vote in your local elections” are frequently empty, meaningless, vague, footnote talking points anchored in zero political programs, and in what are typically broader discussions about horrible recent events, or personalities.
How much of the discourse you promote is about politicians, celebs, drama amongst talking heads, drama in orgs, or cycling through systemic critiques your echo chambers have heard thousands of times already? As opposed to concrete methods for movement-building and systems change?
Those of us for systems change should know better than to place primary emphasis on “clicks” or “numbers” when formulating ideas we’re putting out into the world, but if you’re a talking head looking to “monetize” and “make a living” off “takes,” these concerns go out the window.
There is more money to be made in discussing the problems of Capitalism than proposing practical steps for challenging Capitalism in the construction of something better.

As a matter of fact, the capitalist logic is easily employed to commodify critique of the capitalist system.
Our “North Star” should be practical solutions for systems change, namely exchange of info dealing with social, economic, and political institutions that can help us build direct democracy in every sphere of life.

Talking problems and personalities without this is a distraction.
When you go over problems over and over again, without exploring strategies for systems change, it leaves people overwhelmed and hopeless.

And if you are okay with going over problems over and over again without exploring solutions (because $$$ >), you are a part of the problem.
Many of the figures we are referring to here are not even conscious or aware of the fact that this is what they are doing.

Many of them are just doing what they think is best or makes the most sense.

But we must interrogate the underlying structures that inform our behaviors...
We must discuss problems.

But there is no hope or systems change without solutions.

And there are solutions. There is a direction.

We just need to collectively discuss, flesh out, and educate ourselves on the means by which we pursue these solutions and move in this direction.
If you are anchored in solutions or a program for systems change, this changes your entire orientation regarding media and education, and allows for a much more “guided” convo that is able to tie back to frameworks for freedom.

Without programmatic “anchors,” we are lost at sea.
If you’ve made it to the end of this thread, here are the main questions we ask you:

What is your program for systems change? What do you propose? What world do you want to live in, and how do you see us getting there?

We are proposing #DualPower. See our pinned tweet for more.
You can follow @BlackSocialists.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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