Just wanna drop this here and also mention HEMP CAN SAVE THE WORLD. The hemp plant is classified as a phytoextractor, meaning it can remove dangerous compounds from soil by absorbing them into its tissues. Hemp was planted at the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown to help decontaminate
the soil at rapid rates and it worked. In 1970 when CSA was passed, hemp, a plant that has 0.3% or less THC content was lumped into the schedule 1 listing alongside cannabis meaning that a plant with TRACE AMOUNTS of THC, not even enough to know it’s even there, has a “high
potential for abuse”. Today in order to plant hemp, you have to have licenses and permits which all cost a shit load of money to obtain. In some states and countries, planting hemp at all is completely illegal and being in possession of it can get you arrested.
All throughout history, Hemp and cannabis have been used by many different cultures and religions for medicinal and spiritual practices. In the United States, even high-profile and affluent individuals used cannabis, even for recreational reasons,
After the Mexican Revolution of 1910, Mexican Immigrants who grew and used the Cannabis plant brought it across the border. While even high profile people used it, others began associating it with the minorities and unfortunately, the associations were largely negative...
and the attitudes were perpetuated by the media. Later on in 1933, during prohibition, a man named Harry Jacob Anslinger, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics commissioner stated that cannabis did not make people violent and then 4 years later in 1937, he began a misguided
campaign promoting that cannabis caused some people to fly into a delirious rage causing the federal government to pass the Marihuana Tac Act making the use of non medical cannabis illegal. Anslingers orchestrated campaigns to vilify cannabis included a few men with heavy
investments. William Randolph Hearst, John D, Rockefeller, and Pierre du Pont, all invested in industries that could be threatened by the success of an industrial hemp industry that produced paper, biodiesel fuel, and a variety of other products. Which leads us to 1970.
The CSA, Controlled Substances Act. Passed in 1970. Richard Nixon, a widely known racist ass mf, repealed the Marihuana Tax Act and instead listed cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug.
So back to what this is all about, big reason hemp was legalized is because the governments don’t want to save the planet, they want money. Hemp can stop deforestation, It can cleanse the soil and add nutrients back into it, It can absorb nuclear waste and radioactive material
Hemp can change the world, save the world. In 1639, Massachusetts court passed a law requiring every household to plant hemp seed, the governments now should get back to this.
I know this thread is absolutely everywhere and chaotic but welcome to my brain.
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