They are parroting teachers' union talking points, in which the unions have cleverly dressed up the greatest social INJUSTICE of all time as social justice.

This ignorance festers b/c the state last posted deaths by age on August 11--ZERO UNDER 18.

Nor were hospitalizations an issue. Through August, there were *123* pediatric hospitalizations in MA for COVID during THE ENTIRE PANDEMIC.

These would have included children who were hospitalized for OTHER CAUSES, but happend to test positive.
The coordinated misinformation campaign that now has children actively advocating against their own interests has got to stop.

Adults need to own their mistakes, & un-scare these kids. Under 45 never saw any excess death in MA at all.

In MA, no group <65 has had any excess death at all since June. Even 65+ after June 2020, are virtually indistinguishable from a bad flu season

For adults to continue to peddle this fear-to obscure the data that would help to alleviate it- is criminal

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