A thread on imposter syndrome:

I’ve been feeling meh lately. About everything & nothing. I feel like I’ve forgotten how to find joy in some things. I find great comfort in my job and education research and Twitter. But the one thing Twitter isn’t great for is
When you’re feeling vulnerable. Imposter syndrome creeps in & you begin to question why anyone cares what you’ve got to say/produce/offer when there are more much useful & knowledgeable people than yourself. I’m someone who has an opinion, and gives it usually. I’m someone
Who makes suggestions, who sticks her hand up, who volunteers to try things but at the moment I feel more like just being quiet. No-one person has made me feel this way, it’s just happened. The voice that says, “Don’t contribute again, no-one cares.”
“Don’t suggest that, you’re annoying.” “People wish you’d just shut up.” “You don’t know enough, stay in your Lane.” - it pops up like a niggle that just won’t go away. I post this because I know others will feel it too. For me it’s when I feel generally unsettled.
It will pass with time & I’ll go back to sticking my head above the parapet but sometimes it’s okay to be quiet & reflect. For anyone else feeling like an imposter, it will pass 💪🏼
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