"We contribute a lot to the world and we ranked [...] at the very top in quality of life indicators -- life expectancy, personal income, educational attainment, home ownership. But when you disaggregate that, there's not just a little gap, we go 1st to 50th if you're Black."
"We need to make sure that you don't die for a traffic stop. We need to make sure there's mental -- more mental health counselors out. That we can't let these things sit and not move, and I think that's the work that has to happen."
"We're a wealthy state with resources, and the commitment of folks, it's just this insidious nature that people don't see it and it's right in front of us. And I think that's the work that needs to happen."
"I just have to say, we're trying to make sure we don't see our cities burned. This is that catch-22. The more police are there, the more tension it is. The more tension it is, the more chance you have to get things."
And I think my job is going to be -- and I don't expect it to be easy -- is to try and draw back away from those divisions that we have, because all -- just like you see across the country, Minnesota is divided and it's divided geographically. It's divided racially."
"And we see that the end of all that is police in the streets, national guards in the streets, tensions, families ruined, and a city, state, and country on edge. And so, for me, it's making sure I'm hearing those communities and making sure that we're willing." @GovTimWalz
"Let's try something different. Let's be bold. Let's put things out there. And let the community show us the direction to go because they're ready." @GovTimWalz
"And just be candid with you, we can't be denying the right to vote to Black communities when they're saying, thank God we're able to vote for somebody like Keith Ellison to be the Attorney General. Those are the things that bring real change. So, we've got work to do."
I’ve been in an exchange related to this thread from earlier in the week that I want to use as an opportunity for all of us to learn.... https://twitter.com/cultureclap/status/1385991152143323142
Canin makes valid points about white people saying good words and not actually being about the work.

I am more familiar with this problem than I care to be.

And I don’t know enough about Walz to say if that’s who he is, but I still want to amplify his message from that night. https://twitter.com/operaqueenie/status/1385998606285479939
You can follow @operaqueenie.
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