Why do people have to ruin everything? It sucks that people who actually enjoy watching the mcyt content and participating in lore have to be embarrassed to say they like it because someone will come at them. The entire fandom isn't toxic so can we stop generalizing please.
I just really enjoy watching the content. I like the cc's for who they are and I like the characters for a whole different reason because they are different. It has been made clear several times that the smp is a ROLEPLAY server and when cc's arent roleplaying then .....
they are just being regular content creators like every other fucking cc out there. They aren't defined by their dsmp character. and the not-toxic fans and people who just enjoy the content understand that. I cant speak for the whole fandom when i say we arent toxic because....
a lot of the fandom is. But the fact that people get so angry over a fucking mcyt roleplay serve to the point where they are hating on the cc's themselves is fucking stupid. So pull your head out of your ass and start caring about real fucking problems.
Stop attacking people for liking something you don't. Now if someone in the fandom decides to be an ass and do things that the cc's have specifically said not to do then yeah i get it. Get angry at them and tell them to stop but dont pull the rest of the fandom down with them..
Okay well that was my rant for today. just had to share because it pissed me off.
im done feeling embarrassed to say that i like the dsmp. the cc's are fucking amazing and generally good people. the smp is something they created. they are portraying characters not real people. so for fucks sake step off your throne and let people feel allowed to like mcyt.
Oh and i completely understand the whole fonts thing. that should stop. but before we attack someone maybe just let them know that they should change that and then if they dont. block them.
Putting this here so people see it #mcytrp
I put the hashtag at the end of this thread on accident so please just go read the rest of this. #mcytrp
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