White suburban college-educated women have shifted DEM in the last ~10 years. GOP establishment faults Trump.

The conventional wisdom is: “We can win WW back with a nicer candidate, preferably a woman!”

(This is mostly where the Nikki Haley 2024 sentiment comes from)

Conventional wisdom is wrong. We’re in a once-in-a-lifetime political realignment. Affluent white feminist liberals are now the core of the Dem party & setting the agenda.

We lost soccer moms but if we stop chasing their votes in vain, we can build a whole NEW coalition.

What I’m most excited about: #AWFL takeover of the Dem party is driving out working-class Americans; GOP should welcome them & truly LISTEN to them. Another big story (often downplayed in media) is the rightward trend among Latinos — and not only anti-Communists in Florida

GOP needs to pay attention to this trend. Conventional wisdom says the top policy priority for Hispanics/Latinos is immigration.

This is a tired stereotype; it isn’t true.

Surveys show Latino voters’ top policy priority is EDUCATION. #OpenSchools matter. (4/n)
Small business ownership is higher among Latinos than ANY other demographic. THAT’s what the “American Dream” is about — not identity politics / grievance grifting / medical authoritarianism.

Democrats are now the party of woke corporatism. We need to stand against it (5/n)
A GOP that sees voters as demographic blocs, bound by reductive stereotypes, cannot win. A GOP that champions individual liberties, stands for small business & workers against woke corporatism, and gives ALL kids opportunities to learn & thrive, can build winning coalition (6/n)
What this means for GOP:
- Stop chasing #AWFL votes. Nominate women if they’re the strongest candidates, not because you think it’ll win back soccer moms
- Realize today’s GOP isn’t a white country club & be HAPPY about it. If you’re uncomfortable w/ new coalition, leave (7/n)
- stand against medical authoritarianism. Lockdowns don’t work; individual health decisions are private.

- need for #OpenSchools isn’t going away anytime soon; precedent has been set. Fund students, not systems- this WILL win moms’ votes, not AWFLs but urban/working class! (8/n)
It’s understandable when blue state GOP leaders (Hogan in MD) embrace liberal big-gov policies. But red state GOP leaders (Dewine in OH, Hutchinson in AR) have NO excuse. Replace them with actual conservatives.

Also, end endless wars.

You’re welcome. (9/n)
In the unlikely event that any GOP governors read this, here’s some advice. Ron DeSantis has given you a helpful blueprint for success. Follow it.

If any conservative billionaires read this, invest in building a high quality national Spanish cable TV channel.

You can follow @ChristinaPushaw.
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