TW: Murder

This isn’t accountability either. Accountability would only be if the entire institution that allowed this to happen was also held liable for not only George Floyd’s murder but also the countless other cop killings that have occurred in this hellscape we call society.
George Floyd’s murderer is only the eighth cop to be be convicted of murder since 2005… of over 16,000 killings. And we’re supposed to be looking up to the sky in gratitude for the ‘monumental first steps’ that are being taken? As usual, it isn’t good enough.
Today will be difficult for us, but then isn’t every day? I’m greeted with a familiarly macabre sense of foreboding: that this verdict will give white society an opportunity to bookend the essential conversation on racial inequality that is only just beginning to take place.
It’s imperative that our white allies maintain momentum and reapply pressure to the legislative bodies that allowed and continue to allow our lives to exist in society without value.
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