I'm a sucker, I know. You don't have to remind me, but I'm sure you will anyways & I don’t blame you. I have long since stopped worrying about Stan, & looked to Josh as a “real,” non-absentee owner with good intent.
15 mo ago I stood 5 feet from Josh Kroenke, watched/heard him as he looked at me & said exactly what he needed to assuage my concerns.
“Actions speak louder than words” I thought, but damn, those words & emotions I saw were convincing. (2/19)
He told me “I’m not in this business to make friends, I’m in it to win. If anyone’s ever going to question anything about our ownership, which I view as a custodianship, even though one would say we’re owners of the club.” (3/19)
He told me “The supporters trust us to be custodians of the values, and that’s what we’re trying to do, we’re trying to win while also respecting the values and traditions of the club.” (4/19)
He told me “All I can say is what I feel and what I know my father feels, which is that we’re in it to win it. If you’re in sports [just] to make money, if you’re in sports to make people happy, it’s a tough tough tough business.” (5/19)
He told me “ The [EPL] compared to anything in the {USA] is more like “apples to watermelons” [and cannot be run the same way] because it’s so different & so big.” (6/19)
He told me “I’m not afraid to sit down and have tough conversations with anybody because I’m transparent, we’re transparent, WE HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE, we all want the same thing, we’re just aggressively trying to make it happen.” (7/19)
He told me “we love their passion [the fans], without that passion we don’t have a business. Whether they’re realistic [or not], we want that passion… that’s the ONLY WAY THAT OUR BUSINESS & SPORT THRIVES, THROUGH SUPPORTER PASSION. (8/19)
I saw his eyes, heard his Unpolished ton of voice, and fell hook, line & sinker that he truly felt this way and was just trying to sort out how to get to the promised land in a difficult environment. (9/19)
I “got excited” - not about massive transfer kitties, but that we actually did have an owner in Josh who “gets it.” Who would be more involved. Who would listen to and value the supporters that ARE the club. (10/19)
I don’t personally believe in July 2019 that the Super League wasn’t already already in play. I don’t appreciate yesterday’s statement giving the impression we were either dragged along or missing out. Josh was involved with PLANNING THIS LEAGUE. (11/19)
The entire reason I had the opportunity to talk & listen to Josh that night was a manifesto from a group of concerned supporters leaving him no choice. That manifesto, among other things, asked KSE to disavow a "European Super League” concept. (12/19)
Their response to this manifesto was loud, and their actions that summer actually reflected an attitude of taking much of it on board. Except for the Super League. Nary a word on that. Subject changed. Questions deflected. (13/19)
And now we know why. We’ve known for a while, I just didn’t want to admit it. Rabid fans? Inconsquential. Lifelong season ticketholders and members? An easily overcome obstacle, not “respecting the values & traditions of the club.” (14/19)
20 April 2021 will always, to me, be the day KSE did the right thing, but completely lost any credibility of being transparent or honest. They lied in their statement. They deceived for years leading up to it. (15/19)
KSE has always banked on the propensity for sports fans not even to forgive, but to flat-out forget. Is it too late to rectify this? No. But it’s WAY too late to rectify it with their meaningless words. ACTIONS are what remains. (16/19)
This will not be forgotten. This chapter may be behind us but if its shown us gullible laggards who weren’t already completely convinced anything, its that this, or something like it, WILL happen again. (17/19)
My issues w/KSE have never, ever been about “spending money.” It’s been about everything else, running our club FOR the fans, treating all equally, & being “different” from everyone else. And I’ve been willing to give Josh a chance. (18/19)
But I can no longer wait around to be proven right. I was wrong. I’m a sucker. I know. Everything Josh emotionally said to me, to my face, such a short time ago, was utter tosh. I fell for it. I’m sorry. (19/19)

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