1/ 🏘 #Evictions, a thread about the myths and facts. And some key points from the 3-part @ncpolicywatch series I worked on.

You may have heard about a federal stay on evictions – first in federal housing, and
then the CDC moratorium since 9/4/2020. Why?
2/ Studies have shown that keeping ppl housed reduces COVID deaths and infections. See https://bit.ly/3tDzSOa  by @Duke scholars. If families struggling during COVID are to lose their homes, they end up on the street or in shelters. Read https://bit.ly/3asSeJX  by @NCHealthNews
3/ The #CDC #eviction moratorium does not apply automatically. It's not a ban on #evictions per se, but a stay on the execution of certain evictions. Think of it as a tool that tenants can use WHEN THEY MEET CERTAIN CRITERIA: loss of income bc COVID, having nowhere to go, etc.
4/ Moratorium ≠ blanket immunity: To use the moratorium, tenants need to testify that they have lost their income/incurred expenses bc of COVID. They invoke the CDC protection by signing a declaration form, a LEGALLY BINDING doc.
5/ Those who face eviction are NOT lazy. Many of them lost their jobs, at least for a certain period during COVID, because they often work service jobs. Read pt1 of my series about the Rankins family. It does not take a lot for them to fall behind on rent. https://bit.ly/3apbKHr 
6/ ⚖️ When NC tenants are taken to court, they must navigate a court system that historically favors landlords. They have to appear within a few weeks. Confused & intimidated, sometimes they don't show up knowing it's a lost cause. Read pt2: https://bit.ly/3xeazUO 
7/ The CDC moratorium made it clear: it doesn't preclude evictions as a result of criminal activities. But landlords MUST NOT use alleged criminal activities as an excuse to pursue nonpayment cases. See the CDC order, expiring 🗓6/30/21: https://bit.ly/3elwX63 
8/ However, the CDC and NC state moratoria leave a gray area: holdover cases where leases run out. Many leases automatically become month-to-month after 1y. Landlords can terminate the lease and file for eviction w/ a 7-day notice, no reasons required. https://bit.ly/3aoylE8 
9/ Bottom line: "The patchwork of local, state, and federal moratoria have proven porous, needlessly complicated, poorly understood, and rarely enforced." @emilyabenfer describes in her article: https://bit.ly/3n70MM0 
11/ Landlords are losing a lot of income? Yes, some are. But there're ways for them to seek relief. They can sign rent relief programs, eg NC's HOPE. There's a statewide foreclosure moratorium. LLCs can apply for #PPP loans. Eviction's not the only solution in small claims court.
12/ The housing market is doing pretty well. @WSJ: https://on.wsj.com/2Qb7Ueh . In NC, rents have ↗️ since last year. But 207K+, or 11.7% of all NC renter families are behind on rent. If evicted, where could they go with eviction records on their credit reports?
13/ Record-sealing cont'd. Read @KathrynSabbeth's https://bit.ly/3amMsd1 : 1️⃣ "court records often make it look like the landlord won even when they didn’t" 2️⃣ "The use of eviction records entrenches inequality along lines of race, gender, and class."
14/ Rental assistance: NC Families earning less than 80% of area median income can apply for the state rental assistance HOPE program. Program administrator #ncorr's Laura Hogshead: 92% of awardees earned below 50%. Plus "there's an awful lot of compliance reviews" re eligibility
15/ Rental assistance does not suffice to prevent evictions. Landlords are free to decline assistance, which may come with a noneviction period after signing/coverage. Some landlords did so for the prospect of flipping their house or raising rent. Read pt3 https://bit.ly/3aoylE8 
16/ Some landlords are talking about "shifting the tenant base" to those who can pay more. @TheRealEGD warns of #segregation and #gentrification in a two-tiered housing market — Well-off tenants make it out of the crisis unscathed, others hemorrhaged by evictions & homelessness.
18/ If you're in need of rental assistance, you may try to use @NLIHC's tracker to look up for local programs https://bit.ly/3eo4FrA . If you live in NC, call 211 to find out about available local programs. Contact @LegalAidNC to see if you qualify for legal assistance.
19/ I'll keep reporting on #evictions in N.C w/ my fellow reporters. For anyone who's interested in talking, my email is in my bio. @NCCourts Please pls consider making eviction data more accessible and available. @EvictionLab tracks evictions in many states thanks to #OpenGov
20/ Last but not least, a shoutout to our state's housing law profs, researchers, @LegalAidNC and many community orgs. Follow the amazing profs, @emilyabenfer of @WFULawSchool, @KathrynSabbeth of @unc_law, @JHamiltonMcCoy2 of @DukeLaw & @Dan__Rose of @WSSURAMS to stay informed.
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