As I explore what to build next, I know I want to ✨ optimize for low stress. ✨

So I’ve been thinking about what it would look like to build a low-stress startup in the content space.

Here’s what’s coming up for me 👇 (thread)
⚠️ Warning: You won't find typical startup and hustle culture ideas in this thread.

I don’t want to build a company around the status quo, because that’s not what I want my life to look like. /2
⌚ I want flexibility and a 30ish-hour work week.

I believe working smart and spending each hour well is more important than putting in long hours. /3
🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏽 Small-and-mighty team

To build something meaningful, I’ll need the help of others.

Yet I’m not interested in growing a huge team; I’d prefer to keep the team intentionally small.

A small team can still = big impact and big profits. /4
🔥 Minimize time-sensitive content

Focus on evergreen content.

It's less stressful, less expensive, easier to systemize, and better for SEO (one of my strengths).

This is a lesson I've learned several times over. More details in this post: /5
⚒️ Focus on systems

I enjoy building systems for efficiency; I find it incredibly satisfying, and it tends to lower stress in a meaningful way.

I want to push myself to do this even better with my next company. /6
🙏 Embrace simplicity

I'll keep content deliverables & monetization strategy as simple as possible, focusing on just 2-3 pieces instead of All The Things.

I have leaned more heavily into simplicity since becoming a parent, and now it has become a strength. /7
🎧 Resources

I enjoyed @jasonfried's audiobook, It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy At Work, for thinking about how to build what he calls a "calm company." 

TBH, I haven't found many other resources with this outlook. What should I check out? /8
❓ What am I missing?

What else should I think about?

Who else should I look to for inspiration? /10
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