The current GOP doesn’t remotely resemble the principles I once believed in and fought for. Propping it up like a stinky corpse is just Weekend at Bernie’s w/o the charm. So go many old friends who’d rather party at bloaty Bernie’s beach house than not have an oceanfront view.👇
If you refuse to cut out a disgusting, supremacist, conspiracy-driven cancer because you A) quietly disagree but tolerate it because it helps you win elections or 👇
B) secretly cheer because you wanted to say this filth for years but knew it was too publicly distasteful, well, you’ll still eventually die of that cancer.👇
I had an old friend show an ugly side of himself in a very public attack on my spouse. His reasoning? How dare he threaten the GOP majorities he spent a career building. Right. 👇
We all worked for that goal 30 YEARS AGO, but things have dramatically changed. That’s like saying I built the early Weimar Republic so how dare you oppose the Third Reich!! 👇
What a monumental disappointment so many former colleagues/friends have proven to be. I’ve no apologies for being a former GOP refugee.

And btw, ‘Woke’ isn’t a slur. To grow & mature is to awaken to things you may not have seen or understood before. Some of you should try it.
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