tw // police brutality , shooting , death

adam is a 13 year old hispanic kid who was shot. since i see no one speaking about this, here's a thread of people speaking about this + potentions to help
(not my text) #AdamToledo was a 13 year old hispanic kid who was shot and killed by the police. adam was compliant with the police and had his hands in the air, however he was still shot in the chest. +
+ the gun was not near his body, the gun was on the floor and there was no way he could’ve reached for the gun to potentially harm the police. the gun was completely out of reach from him. the gun was not his, it was given to him by a family friend / gang member +
people are justifying adams death because his nickname was “lil homicide” and saying “he had it coming”. the kid was 13, it does not matter if that was his nickname or not. he did not deserve to d¡e the way he did. he had an entire life ahead of him, but it was cut short.
adam did NOT deserve to d¡e. he was 13 years old and compliant with the police, sadly he was still shot and killed. please read this thread to get more information about this. #JusticeForAdamToledo
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