"Screw it, let's do it"

How Imperfect Action Can Skyrocket Your Career

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Richard Branson, one of the world's most prominent self-made billionaires lives by one of his sayings:

"Screw it, let's do it".

On the surface there's nothing special about it, I hear you.

But those words, if applied consistently, have the power to change your life as well.
Branson started out selling magazines, records and later opened a record label.

He also started up an airline company, even though he had never flown an airplane and had no engineering knowledge of aircrafts.

How'd he do it?

By taking action.
There's no way he could've figured out everything there was to know about airlines prior to starting up.

Someone who had never even flown a plane.

But you know what?

He went ahead and started an airline company anyway.

He's a pioneer of taking action before being ready.
He has been able to start up over 400 companies in different industries within a 50 year period.

The thing is, most of the time we confuse procrastination for preparation.

Sure, you want to prepare before diving into a new adventure, but eventually you just have to start.
Too much preparation and research and you'll overwhelm yourself with too much information.

Or you'll bombard yourself with so much data that your creativity becomes limited.

You'll feel huddled by all the rules and instructions you have to follow.
When you have the basics down, just start.

Learn as you go.

Adjust as you go.

Allow your creativity to take the rein.

You'll develop systems that are suitable for you.

You'll understand what works for you and what doesn't as you navigate through it all.
This is all impossible to figure out if you don't start.

To let you in on a secret, it's what we're all doing.

Guessing and testing and experimenting.

No one has it all figured out.

Even scientists have to guess and test their ideas before they get conclusive results.
You can't be perfect after one try.

Give yourself chances to fail.

Allow yourself to guess.

Don't fall prey to mental masturbation.

Don't disguise procrastination as preparation.

Get comfortable with taking imperfect action.
Look, I've been there.

Waiting for the perfect time to begin.

Waiting till everything seemed perfect.

Not realizing that I was wasting 15-20 years while others out there were taking action and achieving results.
Understand that people less smart than you have achieved what you're trying to achieve.

The only difference is, they got the basics down and they took action.

Stop trying to be an expert before starting.

Get the basics and start moving now!
I promise you, you'll get better as you go, and you'll understand more through practice.

Like Richard Branson says:

"Screw it, let's do it".

I LIVE by this and it's allowed me to:

- quit the rat race
- be my own boss
- feel freer than ever

I want the same for you. Let's go!
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