just had a dream that i was apart of an investigative squad with beyoncé, michael jackson, and these two irls. Tell me why Kevin Chamberlain (the guy we’re chasing) ends up leading us underground where it was dark as hell and we couldn’t see..
so btch we down there and kevin ends up leading us into this room with other people... we get in there and they make us play tag, but the catch was that if we get tagged we would die HTJFJFJFJF
so girl we running for our lives and we trying to throw stuff to send the taggers in the wrong direction.... and then i realize i start dryin seeing tiny bits of the room through some type of night vision!
so at this point we make it to this big room and i realize that none of the weird people we ran into are even in there... BUT WE STILL GETTING CHASED BY SOMEBODY. So I tell Bey to start knocking trashcans over so the sounds can echo (I got to hell her what’s going on)
then from across the room we see the person who been fucking with us this whole time was MICHAEL FCKING JACKSON AND HE HAD CLONES
So me + bey scared as fuck in the corner and we made a run for the exit chyle. We said fck an investigation we will be heading home! After this we start running and the michael clones starts doing his famous adlibs as they chase us out
At this point we were so scared we started laughing DNDNDNDJDDJSKSKDHSJDDJ
now did i leave my homegirl and the rest of the squad? yes. was beyoncé famous in this dream? yes. i had to save my fav chyle.
Now I would like to say that I woke up laughing, in tears, and scared. Now I’m going back to sleep
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