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10 "Billionaire Secrets" that will make you Super-Intelligent.
1. Simple > Complex

Focus on creating things that are easy to use and understand by everyone.

Be it words, products, services, tweets, ideas or concepts.
2. Think in First Principles

Boil down things to their most fundamental components.
For example, What makes a great book?

Chapters > Paragraphs > Sentences > Words

Focus on the 'Right Words'.
3. Stick within your "Circle of Competence"

What you know <<< What you think you know

Focus only on 'what you know' and build on that.
4. Avoid Stupidity

Instead of consistently trying to fix problems, avoid them. If you want to remain slim, avoid foods that make you fat.

It's that simple.
5. Be Indifferent to Results

You can only control your actions not the results. Cry, fret, stress and go crazy. It's still impossible.

Work rationally and move on.
6. Ignore First Impressions

You're run by emotions. And hundreds of your subconscious assumptions.

High price = High quality
Beauty = Healthy
Good speaker = Good person

Pause. Reflect. Understand things deeply before making decisions.
7. Don't Follow Herds

Understand what you know, and what you don't know. If you act average, you're going to be average.

Reflect and understand what works for you. Develop your skills. You're built different.
8. Learn to Focus Attention

Having a long attention span is a gift. More you can focus, more quickly you can solve problems.

Keep away distractions. And focus.
9. See reality as it is

Your knowledge and morality has nothing to do with reality.

Fat is fat. Short is short. Ugly is ugly.

Think in terms of facts to acquire 'True Knowledge.'
10. There's no 'Magic Pill'

No pills, no maps, no advise, no motivation, books or fake gurus can give it to you.

If you want it bad enough, work consistently. And you'll get it.
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