One hill I'll die on is that a Good PM and a Good Designer have 80% intechangeable skills.

A high functioning optmization team in a org with a solid design system might not need a designer.

A high functioning exploratory team with not a lot of stakeholder mgmt doesnt need a PM
One of those strong opinions loosely held type of things
To reassure: On the first option I'm not impling design is just visuals.. I'm saying that a dedicated designer in that context might not be necessary for it to be properly designed, that's what I mean with the interchangeable skillset
I often use this diagram from @nlevin , or a remixed version of it, to have this conversation with my teams

The key word here being TYPICALLY
I see myself coming back to this thread by @hpdailyrant very often and I would expect a solid designer to be able to articulate and answer to all of these
I should be having a a coffee or a walk in my break but here I am... tweeting

Case in point.
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