Are you an entrepreneur with a biz idea, but finding difficulty to identify the right talent? This is for you

Introducing upcoming project @ispolink $ISP ⭐⭐⭐

@ispolink aims to build a cross-chain platform for tech/blockchain firms to easily source leading developer talent.
For modern tech hiring, here's what @ispolink brings to the table:

1) AI/ML to parse CVs, predict talent and find best match for your job
2) Verifying education and payments on blockchain
3) Instant feedback, employer branding, etc

Watch the demo:
But I am an investor, what's the addressable market size? Below graphic shows a view.

But again, it could be conservative, because Gen Z wants flexibility and change everyday + movement of brick/motor to Internet and soon blockchain is only starting.. 🔥🔥🔥
Token utility and how the system works? All covered:

1) Referral bonuses
2) Governance
3) Staking
4) Rewards for verified users and
5) Purchase of hiring packages

Partners and investors include @TheDaoMaker @0xPolygon @X21_Digital @AU21Capital @Magnus_fund @gbvofficial @MoonwhaleBV @GD10V and others.

#IDO on one of the leading platform @TheDaoMaker

Check past IDO returns 🔥🌝🚀
You can follow @talkwthme.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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