If you are an OAU student, open this
Sometimes I know you feel like giving up, but remember you still have a lot of people to prove wrong
You get tired. Learn to rest not quit
Never let fear decide your future
Never say "i can't", always say "I will try my best"
Don't stress, do your best & forget the rest
Examination failure is not life failure
No one is perfect, that's why pencils have erasers
Life is tough so are you
It doesn't matter what others are doing, what matters is what you are doing
Find a way not excuses
Don't let procrastination take over your life. Be brave and take risks, your life is happening now
School is draining, exhausting & stressful but I promise at the end, it will be worth it.... it's your choice to go to school or not
You're amazing.... remember this 🤗
I hope this thread made sense to every OAU student out there
Rt & tag anyone you think should read this
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