Freedom of info request has revealed..63% of trees felled by HS2 are chipped, created for biomass and burnt for fuel. Chair of Natural England, @TonyJuniper , who was hired by Gove, is also a Director at Robertsbridge, a consultancy employed by @DraxGroup..
Drax provides 6% of UK's electricity. An increasingly large part of their business comes from burning wood pellets.
In 2019, @DraxGroup received tax-payer funded subsidies from the UK gov of £2.36mil EVERY DAY,of which £2.1 mil were renewable subsidies for burning wood pellets..
HS2 need to get authorisation from Natural England, an independent body, to grantfelling. But one which is reliant on funding from central gov & whose Chair was picked by Gove.Drax receive £2.1m every day for burning biofuel,& profiting from selling the energy to the consumer..
Some of that money then goes back into the pockets of the Chair of Natural England via his consultancy firm Robertsbridge!
Read more below! #Corruption
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