LRT - Bee made an offhand mention of WWX being put in the guest room when he and LWJ visit LQR, and now I am DYING.

Modern AU. Wangxian have been together for four years. They're engaged.

And WWX is STILL not allowed to sleep in the same bed as LWJ when visiting LQR. :(
"Uncle," LWJ says, with increasing desperation. "The wedding is this summer. We are ENGAGED."

"Engaged isn't married," LQR replies stiffly, as he makes up the guest bed with clean sheets.
Does he know that his nephew and Wei Wuxian are (shudder) Sexually Active? He is not a stupid man, so yes. Yes, he does.

But there will be no Sinning under his roof, thank you very much!
When NMJ visits with LXC, he is also relegated to the guest room. :(

LXC is much better at dissembling than LWJ, so he can keep up the act.

He's never heard of this...what do you call it? 'Sex'? No, he and A-Jue have never done any of that. 😇
LQR appreciates that! He WANTS to be lied to about this! He wants to believe that his nephews have never done more than kiss their respective fiancés on the cheek!

But LWJ insists on being honest.
He INSISTS upon pointing out that he and Wei Wuxian have been living together (and sleeping in the same bed, with all that entails!) for years. 😑

LQR wishes that he hadn't brought his nephew up to be QUITE so forthright!
Now I'm thinking of that "one fear" meme.

LQR as a parent: Tell no lies!

LWJ: Wei Ying and I are sexually active.

LQR: ...Tell one lie. 😭
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