Never understood why immigrants can't just take some sort of entrance exam so they can continue their careers. There's no reason for professionals with degrees to be coming here and driving taxis because their degrees aren't recognized in North America.
Literally so much talent going to waste because white people think they better than everybody. North American education isn't even fire like that at ALL

And that was in NO way to degrade Taxi/uber drivers. They are absolutely needed. But if I had a dollar for everytime I've spoken to a driver and they told me about their careers back home and how their degrees are rendered useless here.....I would be RICH.
My mother came to Canada when she was 19 and they wanted to put her back in highschool AND in ESL classes as if Jamaica's official language isn't English.

That shit is ridiculous. Come to find out her education back in JA was world's above what they were teaching kids here.
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