“Menstruation is something we don’t know enough about...It’s an important indicator of a person’s health, like any other bodily function...For now, scientists are still in the dark about so much of female health. ”

I mean, OMG! THREAD 👇🏽 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/20/opinion/coronavirus-vaccines-menstruation-periods.html?smid=tw-share
Maybe TMI for twitter, but in the name of science: I had a truly wild menstrual reaction unlike anything I've experienced in my life after the vaccine. It's fine. The vaccine works. NBD. BUT, I went to the OBGYN and the response was the same response as I ALWAYS get....
which is that you should just take the pill. The pill is great and revolutionary and everyone should have access to it but I don't like it so I said no thanks.
I'm in a FB group of female academics with children and a bunch of people started sharing wild menstruation stories after the vaccine. Everyone is very pro-vaccine but just curious about what was going on...
A FB group with anecdotal stories is by NO MEANS science and it could be totally unrelated to the vaccine and we all just happened to have weird stuff going on. That's totally plausible.
But the fact that menstrual side effects are left out of studies (which I know is something scientists have been trying to remedy with mixed success) just means that we are truly not getting a full an accurate picture.
And I know that it's just easier to do certain studies without having to consider that knotty hormone variable, but some of us have to live with that knotty hormone variable. End TMI thread.
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