Hey there :)) I noticed some ppl judging Harry Styles and do not know much about what he has shared with the general public so here is a thread for u. I hope this helps and u have a good day/night xx (A thread below)
Harry Styles wearing specific t-shirts
lights up mv: some obvious points is there are men in the crowd of women + the lyrics cx
The TPWK mv and it was filmed at a gay bar


The Watermelon Sugar mv is mostly about appreciation for đŸ± but it also features body/ethnic inclusivity and a few men cx
Harry in a 2014 1D interview:
"not that important" &
"don’t nock it till you try it"
Harry famously says a variation of this "be a lover choose love"
at all of his concerts, he thanks everyone and says no matter who you are, this is a safe space, and he believes us fans also give that energy right back to him. :’)
Disclaimer: for this one, it is a cute vid regardless if it's lgbt+ related or not. Harry is comfortable saying what he said, even if it's interpreted differently than what he meant. Liam asked if you were a girl for a day, what would you do? Harry said:
"...If you can hold a conversation with im..." and he often did not specify features. He also previously said it's not respectful to objectify women
Two more throwbacks:

1. "here at one direction we love love"
2. according to YouTube, below is the first time Harry picked up a pride flag to run around with it on stage...After starting his solo career on his first tour he began doing it more and more
Harry vibing and singing his song called Medicine
https://pin.it/MoovwuN  a Pinterest board of harry being harry and expressing himself in what some people consider nontraditional gender role ways.
I could not forget this beautiful gem. Idk who the original writer is, but this is so wholesome and beautiful. Protect Harry at all costs.
Some songs but that is a whole topic on its own so for now I'll just name one of them. The song "Girl Crush"
And for the grand finale... "We’re all a little bit gay" lol
Finally note: this is not everything but these are the well known things. These days harry is also pretty private and likes to try and keep everyone confused and guessing. I trust him and don’t blame him at all. Whatever he doesn’t share is none of our business XX
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